Firefox is complaining that `Authorization` header, is not explicitly listed in CORS header `Access-Control-Allow-Headers` This is my securityAccessControl `Set-PodeSecurityAccessControl -Origin '*' -Methods @('GET', 'POST', 'PATCH', 'DELETE','OPTIONS') -Headers '*' -Duration 7200... ### Target Pode version 2.11.0
The created json file is randomly ordered. there is no order inside the file and make it difficult to read. The issue is due to the cmdlet Remove-PodeNullKeysFromHashtable that doesn't...
The actual Swagger version has some trouble rendering array of enums Version 5 solve the issue.
So far we have only Swagger and Redoc. To add: 'RapiDoc' 'StopLight' 'Explorer' 'RapiPdf' plus a page with links to any documentation
If you invoke Get-PodeOpenApiDefinition the operation fails because Get-PodeOpenApiDefinitionInternal doen't have a Version and Description property Public OpenApi.ps1 line 199 ``` return (Get-PodeOpenApiDefinitionInternal ` -Title $Title ` -Version $Version `...
Based on the RFC an expired bearer token should return 401 not 400 private/Authentication.ps1 line 429 ``` if ($options.AsJWT) { try { $payload = ConvertFrom-PodeJwt -Token $token -Secret $options.Secret...
This is my code ``` #kbReferences is defined as array $kbReferences = New-PodeOAObjectProperty -Array -Name 'kbReferences' -Properties @( (New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'description'), (New-PodeOAStringProperty -Name 'id' -Description 'Id of the KB article'...