Please submit your changes I can merge them on my side
My bad was not my intention to have .gitignore replicated Let me delete it from my repo --- Sent from Workspace ONE Boxer On October 17, 2023 at 1:41:45 PM...
I had some issues with `powershell-yaml` on Linux. I was thinking of making a fork of the project, making it more Linux-friendly, and updating the .NET library to v6 and...
I just tried to use powershell-yaml and this is the error `Get-Serializer: Unable to find type [StringQuotingEmitter].` I modified helper.ps1 ConvertTo-PodeYamlInternal to use powershell-yaml ``` function ConvertTo-PodeYamlInternal { [OutputType('System.String')] [CmdletBinding()]...
PSYaml works fine I'm modifying the code to check if PSYaml is available will be used instead of the internal converter.
Good question I'm using the one available on the PowerShell gallery. Anyway, have you checked my last changes regarding Yaml support? Practically, I removed the public coverto-PodeYaml and included the...
Another thing I have done lately is to enable the Open API properties definition to be piped. This makes the code much cleaner and more powershell. I still have to...
I’m going to try with 5.1. I forgot that Microsoft still supports it 😊 The Yaml is not on the OpenApi file but on private/helper.ps1
I think to have addressed all your concerns. let me know
I have a question regarding my last improvement New-PodeOA......Property and the pipeline. ``` New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'id'-Format Int64 -ReadOnly -Example 10 | New-PodeOAIntProperty -Name 'petId' -Format Int64 -Example 198772 | New-PodeOASchemaProperty...