kaggle-lung-cancer copied to clipboard
Kaggle Data Science Bowl 2017
Kaggle Data Science Bowl 2017
Team: MDai (6th out of 1972)
- CUDA 8.0, cuDNN 5.1
- python 3.5+ (Anaconda)
- numpy 1.12.1
- scipy 0.19.0
- pandas 0.19.2
- scikit-image 0.13.0
- scikit-learn 0.18.1
- joblib 0.9.4
- pillow 4.0.0
- xgboost 0.6a2
- keras 1.2.2 (note: latest keras is 2)
- tensorflow (GPU) 1.0.0
- hyperopt 0.1
- pydicom built from master branch of git repo - bbaa74e9d02596afc03b924fe8ffbe7b95b6ff55 - 1.0.0a1 (not 0.9.9 from PyPI)
- h5py 2.7.0
- redis-py 2.10.5
See below to get an idea of how our environment was set up on an AWS p2.16xlarge instance:
# setup cuda
sudo dpkg -i cuda-repo-ubuntu1604_8.0.61-1_amd64.deb
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install cuda
sudo nvidia-smi -pm 1
sudo nvidia-smi --auto-boost-default=0
sudo nvidia-smi -ac 2505,875
# setup cudnn
tar xzf cudnn-8.0-linux-x64-v5.1.tgz
sudo cp cuda/include/* /usr/local/cuda/include
sudo cp cuda/lib64/* /usr/local/cuda/lib64
# setup anaconda and python libs
bash Miniconda3-latest-Linux-x86_64.sh -b -p $HOME/install/miniconda3
conda upgrade --all -y -q
conda install -y -q ipython joblib jupyter notebook pandas matplotlib numpy scipy requests scikit-image scikit-learn seaborn redis-py pyyaml tqdm h5py pillow
pip install --upgrade -q setuptools
pip install --upgrade -q hyperopt==0.1 ntfy==2.4.2 tensorflow-gpu==1.0.0 xgboost==0.6a2 Keras==1.2.2
git clone https://github.com/darcymason/pydicom.git && cd pydicom && python setup.py install && cd .. && rm -rf pydicom
export PATH=$HOME/install/miniconda3/bin:/usr/local/cuda/bin:$HOME/bin:$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda
export CUDA_ROOT=/usr/local/cuda
export KERAS_BACKEND=tensorflow
sysctl -w net.core.rmem_max=16777216
sysctl -w net.core.wmem_max=16777216
The prediction pipeline can eventually be configured as a single automated process (i.e., engineered for production), but to run it on our given datasets in a reasonable time we will run it stepwise according to the following steps. We ran these steps on a AWS p2.16xlarge instance which has 16 GPUs. All models and scripts are coded to run on a single GPU, so for the steps which involve splitting the data and running the splits across GPUs, we use the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES flag to restrict each process to a single specific GPU. Otherwise, without this environment variable flag errors will result, due to tensorflow and the way the code is currently written.
1. Preprocess DICOM studies
Make sure data is available in the directories specified in SETTINGS.json
# cwd: predict/
# --dataset may be {sample, stage1, stage2}
nohup python -u 01_preprocess.py --dataset stage2 > 01_preprocess.out.log 2>01_preprocess.err.log &
Processed data will be output to data_proc/{dataset}/isotropic_volumes_1mm/
. Metadata containing original and new shapes and DICOM spacings will be output to data_proc/{dataset}/isotropic_volumes_1mm.pkl
2. Determine patient sex
Ensure sd01a.hdf5
weights file is available in the weights/
directory. On multi-gpu machines, run script with single GPU specified with the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable.
# cwd: predict/
# --dataset may be {sample, stage1, stage2}
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 nohup python -u 02_determine_sex.py --dataset stage2 > 02_determine_sex.out.log 2>02_determine_sex.err.log &
3. Create ROI probability maps
Ensure m05a.hdf5
and m09a.hdf5
weights files are available in the weights/
directory. On multi-gpu machines, run script with single GPU per process, specified with the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES environment variable. For example:
# cwd: predict/
# --dataset may be {sample, stage1, stage2}
# --config may be {50_16_2, 30_16_4}
# --split specifies # of processes to split studies into. This is based the # of GPUs available.
# --group specifies group # in split
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 nohup python -u 03_roi_probmaps.py --split 8 --group 1 --dataset stage2 --config 50_16_2 > 03_roi_probmaps.1a.out.log 2>03_roi_probmaps.1a.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 nohup python -u 03_roi_probmaps.py --split 8 --group 2 --dataset stage2 --config 50_16_2 > 03_roi_probmaps.2a.out.log 2>03_roi_probmaps.2a.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 nohup python -u 03_roi_probmaps.py --split 8 --group 3 --dataset stage2 --config 50_16_2 > 03_roi_probmaps.3a.out.log 2>03_roi_probmaps.3a.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 nohup python -u 03_roi_probmaps.py --split 8 --group 4 --dataset stage2 --config 50_16_2 > 03_roi_probmaps.4a.out.log 2>03_roi_probmaps.4a.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=4 nohup python -u 03_roi_probmaps.py --split 8 --group 5 --dataset stage2 --config 50_16_2 > 03_roi_probmaps.5a.out.log 2>03_roi_probmaps.5a.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=5 nohup python -u 03_roi_probmaps.py --split 8 --group 6 --dataset stage2 --config 50_16_2 > 03_roi_probmaps.6a.out.log 2>03_roi_probmaps.6a.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=6 nohup python -u 03_roi_probmaps.py --split 8 --group 7 --dataset stage2 --config 50_16_2 > 03_roi_probmaps.7a.out.log 2>03_roi_probmaps.7a.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=7 nohup python -u 03_roi_probmaps.py --split 8 --group 8 --dataset stage2 --config 50_16_2 > 03_roi_probmaps.8a.out.log 2>03_roi_probmaps.8a.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=8 nohup python -u 03_roi_probmaps.py --split 8 --group 1 --dataset stage2 --config 30_16_4 > 03_roi_probmaps.1b.out.log 2>03_roi_probmaps.1b.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=9 nohup python -u 03_roi_probmaps.py --split 8 --group 2 --dataset stage2 --config 30_16_4 > 03_roi_probmaps.2b.out.log 2>03_roi_probmaps.2b.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=10 nohup python -u 03_roi_probmaps.py --split 8 --group 3 --dataset stage2 --config 30_16_4 > 03_roi_probmaps.3b.out.log 2>03_roi_probmaps.3b.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=11 nohup python -u 03_roi_probmaps.py --split 8 --group 4 --dataset stage2 --config 30_16_4 > 03_roi_probmaps.4b.out.log 2>03_roi_probmaps.4b.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=12 nohup python -u 03_roi_probmaps.py --split 8 --group 5 --dataset stage2 --config 30_16_4 > 03_roi_probmaps.5b.out.log 2>03_roi_probmaps.5b.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=13 nohup python -u 03_roi_probmaps.py --split 8 --group 6 --dataset stage2 --config 30_16_4 > 03_roi_probmaps.6b.out.log 2>03_roi_probmaps.6b.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=14 nohup python -u 03_roi_probmaps.py --split 8 --group 7 --dataset stage2 --config 30_16_4 > 03_roi_probmaps.7b.out.log 2>03_roi_probmaps.7b.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=15 nohup python -u 03_roi_probmaps.py --split 8 --group 8 --dataset stage2 --config 30_16_4 > 03_roi_probmaps.8b.out.log 2>03_roi_probmaps.8b.err.log &
We must produce 2 sets of probability maps, with config settings 50_16_2
and 30_16_4
. Processed data will be output to data_proc/{dataset}/nodule_detect_probmaps_50_16_2/
and data_proc/{dataset}/nodule_detect_probmaps_30_16_4/
There are a lot of optimizations that can be done here, but this step currently takes quite a bit of time -- in total several days on a multi-GPU machine.
4. Create cancer predictions and generate other features
Ensure m02a.hdf5
, m04a.hdf5
, m10a.hdf5
, resnet2d09d.hdf5
, resnet2d09e.hdf5
, resnet2d09f.hdf5
weights files are available in the weights/
directory. We must start redis in the background which will act as a simple job queue for the models server, which receives inference tasks to be run on the GPU for these neural networks.
Docker must be installed:
# install docker on ubuntu
sudo apt-get install -y wget
sudo wget -qO- https://get.docker.com/ | sh
sudo usermod -aG docker ubuntu
Start docker redis:
# cwd: predict/
Start models servers in the background, one process per GPU:
# cwd: predict/
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 nohup python -u models_server.py > models_server.1.out.log 2>models_server.1.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 nohup python -u models_server.py > models_server.2.out.log 2>models_server.2.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 nohup python -u models_server.py > models_server.3.out.log 2>models_server.3.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=3 nohup python -u models_server.py > models_server.4.out.log 2>models_server.4.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=4 nohup python -u models_server.py > models_server.5.out.log 2>models_server.5.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=5 nohup python -u models_server.py > models_server.6.out.log 2>models_server.6.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=6 nohup python -u models_server.py > models_server.7.out.log 2>models_server.7.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=7 nohup python -u models_server.py > models_server.8.out.log 2>models_server.8.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=8 nohup python -u models_server.py > models_server.9.out.log 2>models_server.9.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=9 nohup python -u models_server.py > models_server.10.out.log 2>models_server.10.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=10 nohup python -u models_server.py > models_server.11.out.log 2>models_server.11.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=11 nohup python -u models_server.py > models_server.12.out.log 2>models_server.12.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=12 nohup python -u models_server.py > models_server.13.out.log 2>models_server.13.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=13 nohup python -u models_server.py > models_server.14.out.log 2>models_server.14.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=14 nohup python -u models_server.py > models_server.15.out.log 2>models_server.15.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=15 nohup python -u models_server.py > models_server.16.out.log 2>models_server.16.err.log &
There are a number of hyperparameters to set for the cancer prediction and feature generation pipeline. The configs.py
file contains 750 random such hyperparameter configurations. We will run this pipeline for all 750 specified configurations as follows:
# cwd: predict/
# --dataset may be {sample, stage1, stage2}
# --config will range from 1 to 750
nohup python -u 04_preds_and_features.py --dataset stage2 --config 1 > 04_preds_and_features.1.out.log 2>04_preds_and_features.1.err.log &
nohup python -u 04_preds_and_features.py --dataset stage2 --config 2 > 04_preds_and_features.2.out.log 2>04_preds_and_features.2.err.log &
nohup python -u 04_preds_and_features.py --dataset stage2 --config 3 > 04_preds_and_features.3.out.log 2>04_preds_and_features.3.err.log &
nohup python -u 04_preds_and_features.py --dataset stage2 --config 4 > 04_preds_and_features.4.out.log 2>04_preds_and_features.4.err.log &
# ...
nohup python -u 04_preds_and_features.py --dataset stage2 --config 749 > 04_preds_and_features.749.out.log 2>04_preds_and_features.749.err.log &
nohup python -u 04_preds_and_features.py --dataset stage2 --config 750 > 04_preds_and_features.750.out.log 2>04_preds_and_features.750.err.log &
An easy way to create these commands :
# python
cmds = ''
for i in range(1, 751):
cmds += 'nohup python -u 04_preds_and_features.py --dataset stage2 --config {} > 04_preds_and_features.{}.out.log 2>04_preds_and_features.{}.err.log &\n'.format(i,i,i)
To check progress, one can inspect the number of items in the processing
set in redis:
# python
import redis
client = redis.StrictRedis(decode_responses=True)
There will be individual cancer predictions at predictions/preds_{1-750}.csv
, and additional features at data_proc/{dataset}/features/config_{1-750}_features.csv
. There must be 750 preds_$i.csv and 750 config_$i_features.csv files, each with number of lines equal to the number of samples in the dataset plus an additional header row.
5. Final cancer predictions with stacked meta-classifier ensemble
The individual cancer predictions and additional features are fed into the final meta-classifier ensemble:
# cwd: predict/
# --dataset may be {sample, stage1, stage2}
# --submission may be {1, 2}
nohup python -u 05_cancer_pred_meta_ens.py --dataset stage2 --submission 1 > 05_cancer_pred_meta_ens.out.log 2>05_cancer_pred_meta_ens.err.log &
Training process
1. Preprocess DICOM studies
See step 1 in "Predict" section.
2. Create volumes for sex determination module
Creates downsampled (32, 32, 64) 3-D volumes together with manually labeled patient sex info.
2b. Train sex determination module
Train models in sex_det:
# cwd: train/sex_det/
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 nohup python -u sd01a.py > sd01a.out.log 2>sd01a.err.log &
3. Create annotations data
The output pickle files containing nodule annotations data by study is already provided in the annotations folder. This script simply creates these pickle files from the annotation coordinates data file.
4. Create training data for cancer predictions from nodule annotations
Many configurations were tried, and ultimately our best models were trained based on the following:
dimensions = '2d' patchsize = 32 scaling = 'stretch' multiple = 'largest' padding = 0 offcenter = 25 rotation = 0 view = 'axial'
These are specified to the script as flags, i.e. --dimensions 2d --patchsize 32 ...
4b. Train cancer prediction on nodules
Train models in cancer_pred_anno:
# cwd: train/cancer_pred_anno/
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 nohup python -u resnet2d09d.py > resnet2d09d.out.log 2>resnet2d09d.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 nohup python -u resnet2d09e.py > resnet2d09e.out.log 2>resnet2d09e.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 nohup python -u resnet2d09f.py > resnet2d09f.out.log 2>resnet2d09f.err.log &
5. Create training data for nodule detection modules
Numerous configurations were tried, but our ultimate included models were trained based on the following configurations passed as flags:
--dimensions 2daxial3stack --patchsize 64 --iternum 1
--dimensions 2daxial5stack --patchsize 64 --iternum 1
--dimensions 3d --patchsize 64 --iternum 1
5b. Train nodule detection modules
Train models in nodule_detect:
# cwd: train/nodule_detect/
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 nohup python -u m05a.py > m05a.out.log 2>m05a.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 nohup python -u m09a.py > m09a.out.log 2>m09a.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=2 nohup python -u m10a.py > m10a.out.log 2>m10a.err.log &
6. Create training data for nodule bounding box modules
We create two sets of training data, with the following passed flags:
--nstack 1
--nstack 2
6b. Train nodule bounding box modules
Train models in nodule_bbox:
# cwd: train/nodule_bbox/
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0 nohup python -u m02a.py > m02a.out.log 2>m02a.err.log &
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1 nohup python -u m04a.py > m04a.out.log 2>m04a.err.log &
7. Train stacked meta-classifier cross-validated ensemble
This is a stacked meta-classifier which is trained after the "predict" steps 1-4. Individual predictions ../predictions/preds_{1-750}.csv
and features at ../data_proc/stage1/features/config_{1-750}_features.csv
must be available. The number of folds for cross-validation is specified with --folds 4
(defaults to 4).
For stage 2, we will change this script to utilize all the stage 1 training set + test set labels and retrain to create an additional new meta classifier model.
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