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Qt-based EFIS and EICAS
Xefis is a framework that helps writing software for remote controlled vehicles and their ground stations.
It focuses on flying vehicles.
It has: * display modules (EFIS) for ADI, HSI, various gauges * communication modules with encryption and authentication support (eg. to connect GCS and the aircraft) * a couple of hardware communication modules (BMP085 pressure sensor, EagleTree Airspeed sensor, XBee modem, NMEA GPS modules, CHR UM6 IMU) * computation modules to obtain performance and navigation data from sensor data (airspeed, altitude, bearing, track, various other speeds, etc), * automation modules that can automatically control a model * rigid-body simulation framework to help testing of models * basic system that allows data exchange between the modules
Notes: No-one uses this besides the author. Don't expect any support.
Required depenencies
pkg-config uuid-dev gcc or clang boost boost-endian qt-5 crypto++-8.5.0-2
Packages required on Ubuntu 18: pkg-config qtbase5-dev libqt5svg5 libqt5x11extras5-dev libboost-all-dev uuid-dev libmhash-dev