Results 48 issues of Melanie Courtot

EGA has a policy that restricts access to submission + 6 months. Depending on the date at which a dataset is submitted under this policy, their availability date will be...

Discussed at GA4GH meeting with Tiffany Boughtwood and Susan Wallace. There is a desire to have a layperson plain language definition for DUO terms. Driver projects could inform this text...

DU needs to document requirements they have for licensing and communicate these to the IP subgroup of REWS. Discussed at the GA4GH meeting: - trademark on the "GA4GH DUO" name:...

@cstoeckert mentions that consent code may be better under ICE than data item

@david4096 provided an [example]( from interchange of the `Populations` field of the 1kgenomes data: ``` "Population": [ "GBR" ], ``` This seems a little bit unclear as we don't know...



@cmungall showing the use of "has related synonym" in Mondo for mucopolysaccharidosis and MPS. I use "has shorthand" in DUO for general research use GRU for example. It would be...