Both hist_workbooks and hist_datasources contain a size column, which should track the size of a given workbook or data source over time as it is changed. This could be useful... There are several ways to determine which requests are particular to AskData, and we're not capturing them all in the current calc. (also we did not apply the AskData...
Have had several customers ask how they could deploy these data sources for all Site who had 290 sites on their Server instance. Let's write some documentation about how...
The new Data Catalog feature includes several new tables which can be useful for understanding underlying connections in Tableau Server. A non-exhaustive list: column_assets table_assets database_assets data_quality_indicators There are also...
Currently TS Content holds a record for every workbook, view, published data source, and flow on Tableau Server. Currently, if you want to know what customized views exist, you can't...
We should list required modules and versions in a requirements.txt file to avoid incompatibilities.
Feature Request: Allow empty [Email To]. We use Bcc: with an empty To: field in Outlook for large distributions to avoid "Reply All" blasts. Allowing empty [Email To] in VizAlerts...
Several users have reported a problem ([1](,[2]( wherein for whatever reason, the config setting on Tableau Server was altered when the server was upgraded, causing trusted ticket redemptions to...
Right now, if you pass in a directory rather than a file as your certificate, you get a cryptic "21" error back. We make sure the path is legit, but...
See #186. Looks like the class we use to parse CSVs is not working when a custom delimiter (e.g. ";") is used in place of commas. This broke when we...