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Python stubs for .NET assemblies
Hi, I am using Grasshopper-stubs in VSCode and I am running into a problem with some overloaded classes? It appears that the fix is to include an explicit `overload` import...
First I want to express my thanks for pythonstubs. It it has the potential to help our org better maintain our legacy rhinopython code. Second, I would like to express...
Autocomplete is great, but it would be amazing if the documentation of the .NET methods could be added to the stubs as well.
First off - thank you, great work- next I am learning how to install it in VS. I borrowed my stubs from PyRevit. Is there a way to make it...
Dear rhinostubs-developers, when working with rhinoinside (Rhino-stubs 7.7 with python 3.7 and Rhino 7), the stub-constructors for 3d-intersections (SurfaceSurface, BrepBrep etc.) are lacking the parameters passed by reference (the one...
Thanks for sharing this fantastic project. I am just starting to work on calling .NET dlls from Python and hoping that PyStubbler will make things substantially easier. I am just...
when I try to type import Rhino. It said ``` unresolved import 'Rhino' ```
I am using the pystubbler to build the stubs for the Dynamo/Revit assembly *ForgeUnitsCLI.dll* (Typically located in `C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Revit \AddIns\DynamoForRevit` directory for Revit versions >= 2023 and also present in...
This is a PR that converts C# operator methods into those of Python. By doing so, type checkers such as Pyright and Mypy can understand that these classes support specific...