cycles icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
cycles copied to clipboard

Fork from Blender Cycles

Cycles Renderer

Cycles is a path tracing renderer focused on interactivity and ease of use, while supporting many production features.


Cycles can be built as a standalone application or a Hydra render delegate. See for instructions.


The repository contains example xml scenes which could be used for testing.

Example usage:

./cycles scene_monkey.xml

You can also use optional parameters (see ./cycles --help), like:

./cycles --samples 100 --output ./image.png scene_monkey.xml

For the OSL scene you need to enable the OSL shading system:

./cycles --shadingsys osl scene_osl_stripes.xml

Instructions for updating ccycles.dll

How to Update ccycles.dll Properly

Ensure both the Mac and the Windows sections are completed.


  1. For Apple Silicon devices:

    • Ensure you have the universal binaries. Download them here.
    • Unzip the binaries to RDK/cycles/lib/darwin_universal.
  2. For non-Apple Silicon devices:

    • Navigate to RDK/cycles/cycles.
    • Run the command make update.
  3. Go to RDK/cycles/cycles and run make release.

  4. Execute cp -r install/* ../../../../../../big_libs/RhinoCycles/ccycles/osx/release/.

  5. Go to big_libs, create a branch if needed and execute:

git add -f RhinoCycles/ccycles/osx/release/libccycles.dylib
git commit
git push <branch_name>


  1. Checkout the big_libs branch made above.

  2. Navigate to RDK/cycles/cycles.

  3. Execute rm -fr build/.

  4. Run ./make_rhino.bat release all.

  • This will end with a build error.
  1. Open Cycles.sln.
  • Switch the target to Release.
  • Right-click the cycles_device project and select Open folder in File Explorer.
  1. Open cycles_device.vcxproj with a text editor.
  • Search for the string /J /bigobj.
  • Ensure you found the one for the Release target and change it to /J /bigobj /Zc:__cplusplus.
  1. Go back to Cycles.sln, reload the project, and then press Build.

  2. After the build is finished, explicitly build the INSTALL project.

  3. Download ResourceHacker if you haven't and ensure the executable is in Windows' PATH.

  4. Navigate to RDK/cycles with PowerShell and execute the script:

  1. Copy the following two files:
  • RDK/cycles/cycles/install/ccycles.dll
  • RDK/cycles/cycles/install/cycles_kernel_oneapi_jit.dll

To the following folder: big_libs\RhinoCycles\ccycles\win\release

  1. Go to big_libs and execute:
git add -f RhinoCycles/ccycles/win/release/ccycles.dll RhinoCycles/ccycles/win/release/cycles_kernel_oneapi_jit.dll
git commit
git push


For help building or running Cycles, see the channels listed here: