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Feature Discoverability - Ability to manually select resolution is hidden until you select "Custom" from Aspect Ratio combobox
Feature Idea
In SwarmUI, it isn't obvious that you can manually select image dimensions. The sliders that let you pick a custom width and height of the image are invisible, unless you have selected "Custom" from the Aspect Ratio. Then the width/height sliders become visible. This means that unless you already know this, you have no way to know how to manually select image dimensions. It is not discoverable.
Yes, I literally was unable to figure out how to pick custom sizes, and had to resort to the "Raw Resolution" of "Swarm Internal", because that was actually visible.
My suggestion would be to make the Width and Height sliders always visible, but disabled. And also remove "Custom" from the aspect ratio combobox.
Then either use one checkbox, or two radio buttons to choose between using an aspect ratio, or using custom dimensions. This would disable the aspect ratio combobox and enable the width/height sliders.
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