Mark Kelly
Mark Kelly
I have seen this in the past also and wondered if there was possibly a race with obtaining vim channel output. I think I improved it somewhat in my fork...
Having \rb or ctrl-t go back to where I was before I jumped to a location from a list would be awesome, because as said above there is often some...
update - I have some "execute normal .." keybindings in my .vimrc that I didn't realize appended to the jumplist. I have added keepjumps to those and now I would...
I agree. I'll work on an autocmd to do this.
Does this work ? ``` autocmd FileWritePost,FileAppendPost * call rtags#ReindexFile() ```
Shouldn't the code in rdm 'see' the file was changed and reindex on its own ?
ok, perhaps - ``` autocmd FileWritePost,FileAppendPost *.{c,h,cpp,hpp,ipp} call rtags#ReindexFile() ```
I can add to the plugin to do this, and I have several other changes I've made to my clone which I find helpful. I haven't seen any updates or...
@theimpostor my repo has this switch now - ``` let g:rtagsAutoReindexOnWrite=1 ``` To enable. My repo is at: but I have not yet updated the docs for my changes.
I have mine set to 1048576 (I think I increased it manually) @lyuts thx for vim-rtags.