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JavaScript parser written in PHP that generates AST from your code according to ECMAScript specification


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Peast (PHP ECMAScript Abstract Syntax Tree) is a PHP 5.4+ library that parses JavaScript code, according to ECMAScript specification, and generates an abstract syntax tree following the ESTree standard.


Include the following requirement to your composer.json:

	"require": {
		"mck89/peast": "dev-master"

Run composer install to install the package.

Then in your script include the autoloader and you can start using Peast:

require_once "vendor/autoload.php";

$source = "var a = 1"; //Your JavaScript code
$ast = Peast\Peast::latest($source, $options)->parse(); //Parse it!


Read the documentation for more examples and explanations:

  1. AST generation and tokenization
  2. Tree Traversing
  3. Querying By Selector
  4. Rendering
