jqbx-bot-plugins copied to clipboard
Duel Plugin
Inspired by the jqbx battles we could have a plugin to have casual battles anytime in any room. The sequence would look like this:
1. Challenge
User joja types /duel Hoggy (or even without name to challenge the current dj)
2. Acceptance/Beginning
User Hoggy types /accept and the duel begins
3. Duel
Both users have to each play a song. In order to keep it casual and not laborious nobody should have to give way and step down, so it shouldn't matter if other DJ's spin their songs inbetween.
3. Vote
After both have played a song the bot takes votes for a 3 minutes like with the /joke plugin. e.g. /vote Hoggy
4. Outcome
The bot announces the winner.
There are some things you could add to that
JQBX League
Award points to the winner depending on the outcome for a permanent leaderboard, either for single rooms or the whole platform. Maybe even have seasons
Of course the duels need themes which the users could choose themselves. In addition to that the duel plugin could also choose random themes from a list (/battle Hoggy random)
Toggle 'allow duels' on/off and set maximum of battles running at the same time/per user in a day/in a certain time frame in bot configuration
Fair votes
Have the bot only accept votes of users that have been in the room for both songs