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Configurable scss
Hi and first of all, thank you! Sal feels like the spiritual successor of AOS. One thing I would really love to see is a way to customize the generated css.
This should be possible by making over-writable scss variables by using the !default parameter.
Thinks I suggest in the scss:
Overwritable easings This way you are able to remove easings you don't use and make the bundle size smaller.
$sal-easings: (
) !default;
Configurable timings and delays This way you are able to add or remove timings.
$amount-of-timings: 40 !default;
$amount-of-delay: 20 !default;
@for $i from 4 through $amount-of-timings {
[data-sal][data-sal-duration='#{$i * 50}'] {
transition-duration: #{$i * 0.05}s;
@for $i from 1 through $amount-of-delays {
[data-sal][data-sal-delay='#{$i * 50}'] {
transition-delay: #{$i * 0.05}s;
I'd like to hear your thoughts!
I like both ideas! Could you create a PR with these changes?
Will do @mciastek , I will notify you here once the PR is ready.
See #84