dwrandomizer copied to clipboard
Counters ideas
So, I played Super Metroid randomizer and a link to the past randomizer. I really liked their credits that listed a bit of stats. So here I am, brainstorming a list of potential things that could be tracked for fun.
- [ ] Chest opened:
- [x] Death Counter: #
- [ ] Total gold obtained: #
- [ ] Gold lost: #
- [ ] Gold spent: #
Kill/Encounter counter:
- [x] Axe Knight #/#
- [x] Blue Dragon #/#
- [x] Demon Knight #/#
- [x] Dragonlord #/#
- [x] Dragonlord 2 #/#
- [x] Drakee #/#
- [x] Drakeema #/#
- [x] Droll #/#
- [x] Drollmag #/#i
- [x] Druin #/#
- [x] Druinlord #/#
- [x] Ghost #/#
- [x] Goldman #/#
- [x] Golem #/#
- [x] Green Dragon #/#
- [x] Knight #/#
- [x] Magician #/#
- [x] Magidrakee #/#
- [x] Magiwyvern #/#
- [x] Metal Scorpion #/#
- [x] Metal Slime #/#
- [x] Poltergeist #/#
- [x] Red Dragon #/#
- [x] Red Slime #/#
- [x] Rogue Scorpion #/#
- [x] Scorpion #/#
- [x] Skeleton #/#
- [x] Slime #/#
- [x] Specter #/#
- [x] Starwyvern #/#
- [x] Stoneman #/#
- [x] Warlock #/#
- [x] Werewolf #/#
- [x] Wizard #/#
- [x] Wolf #/#
- [x] Wolflord #/#
- [x] Wraith #/#
- [x] Wraith Knight #/#
- [x] Wyvern #/#
Spell cast:
- [x] Heal: #
- [x] Hurt: #
- [x] Repel: #
- [x] Healmore: #
- [x] Hurtmore: #
- [x] sleep: #
- [x] Radiant: #
- [x] Return: #
- [x] outside: #
- [x] stopspell:#
Time spent:
- [ ] OW: ##;##;##
- [ ] Towns: ##;##;##
- [x] Fights: ##:##:##
This "bug" report should replace #55 as it does more than this one.
Concerning the enemies tracking, if it gets implemented, I believe they should be ordered from weakest to strongest.
You gotta count bonks.
Incredibly, we might be able to keep track of all of these. RAM address 7000+ is totally unused. That's 4096 bytes of SaveRAM we could use that would survive a reset! However, all of this comes down to expanding the ROM...
We converted FF1 from MMC1 to MMC3 to expand it. If DW uses a similar bank swapping pattern, it should be pretty doable.