kinect2_tracker copied to clipboard
body tracking for ROS using Nite2.2 and libfreenect2
First of all thanks to you for providing this ROS wrapper to the community. I was following the installation steps and came across few issues and solved them. 1. Couldn't...
when I roslaunch kinect2_tracker tracker.launch,there's an error: Could not find data file ./NiTE2/s.dat current working directory = /home/huangdan/.ros [FATAL] [1555235316.166777268]: Couldn't create user tracker [kinect2_tracker_node2-2] process has finished cleanly log...
Everything worked fine for me, but I am not able to access the data from the published topics? In the /tf topic I am continuosly getting the same values even...
Hi, I could compile the code normally using catkin_make... However, when I try to "roslaunch" the project I get a "[FATAL] [1467020828.259201654]: Can't Open Device"... despite de fact that the...
Hey, i am looking for working listener which help me get position of the hand as xyz. Something like that one [](url)
Is anything like this available for Kinect v1?
Hi, Is this possible tracking in Simulator? I'm using vrep Simulator because I don't have actual device. The Kinect camera is in vrep scene. Is it possible human mannequin's action...
nite2 use openni2 start depth frame,the depth stream mode is 640*480,but the kinect2 output 512*424,this make kinect2 sometimes tracked error data,and the data is Inaccurate.
I'm not sure if it's just not implemented or a bug - only the positions and relative positions of the joints are updated and published to tf. Orientations of the...