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Pugsql chokes on normal comments interspersed in the sql file
pugsql raises the following error if there are any normal comments in the sql code (unless they are between the :name special comment and the actual sql query. ValueError: Statement must have a name.
Is this the correct behaviour? Would it not be desirable to be able to comment out sections of the sql file or add section comments etc?
Can you paste a query that fails?
Hi, thanks for your quick response. This was my first time trying to use pugsql so maybe I am just doing something wrong. But here is my failing query file: start of file --------------------------------------- /* pugsql seems to choke on this comment */
-- pugsql seems to choke on a single-line comment as well
-- :name greet :one /* pugsql handles this comment */ select 'hello' as greeting;
-- :name get_user_42 :one -- pugsql handles this comment select username from user where id = 42;
-- :name get_user_with_id :one select username from user where id = :id; end fo file-------------------------------
Adding the following lines to the head of the above file seems to satisfy pugsql:
:name dummy_query :one select 'this stops pugsql choking on the following comments' as kludge;
I have edited the description of the error to be more accurate
I see, currently pugsql needs the metadata for the query (the :name
, and so on) to be in the first comment block in the file, using the --
comment syntax. There is a confusing edge here where pugsql will accept:
--- not metadata
--- :name foo
select 1;
but not:
--- not metadata
--- :name foo
select 1;
We should resolve that (probably backwards compatible with how it works now) so that it's no longer whitespace significant.
I could see also supporting a /* */
style comment, which we don't currently.
There are probably also some ways the error messages could be more helpful here.