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Colors in nnn.vim don't seem to work always
How to set colors in nnn.vim
I've had to spend days(!) to find out how to set some colors in nnn.vim
. One problem is that documentation about them is so hard to find, so let me put some information here for anyone with the same problem:
Highlights nnn-hl
The following are the highlight groups that are used:
NnnNormal Window. Linked to |hl-Normal|.
NnnNormalNC Non-current window. Linked to |hl-Normal|.
NnnNormalFloat Floating window. Linked to |hl-Normal|.
NnnBorder Floating window border. Linked to |hl-FloatBorder| or |hl-Comment|.
NnnVertSplit (depecated. for < nvim-0.7) Explorer window VertSplit. Linked to |hl-VertSplit|. NnnWinSeparator Explorer window WinSeparator. Linked to |hl-WinSeparator|. (requires nvim-0.7 and above). The above is from https://github.com/mcchrish/nnn.vim/blob/e0104e369508fc12e3651ad4dee20261b5b3e87f/doc/nnn.txt#L276
, so let's try it:
In my /etc/vim/vimrc.local
I have:
let g:nnn#layout = { 'window': { 'width': 0.9, 'height': 0.6, 'highlight': 'StatusLineNC' } }
let NNN_COLORS='#b4c77b9b;5384'
let g:nnn#command='nnn -C'
highlight NnnNormalNC guibg=#C8AE95 ctermbg=darkgrey ctermfg=white
highlight NnnNormalFloat guibg=#4992A7 guifg=white ctermbg=cyan ctermfg=white
The above works only partially for me:
- The floating windows does get its border colored according to the colors of the
group, so that's OK. -
does not have any effect, even thoughg:nnn#command
isnnn -C
, which means that at least directories should be colored according to the context colors set inNNN_COLORS
. Directories are always blue for me (color 4, the default for all contexts) in the floating window. - Changing
tonnn -D
has only the effect of painting directories (in the floating window) in white too, according to theguifg
color ofNnnNormalFloat
. Directories should appear in "context color" and it seems thatguifg
overwrites the context color set inNNN_COLORS
- not sure if that's OK or not... - Switching to the floating window with, say,
, should change the "non-current" window (the background window that has just lost its focus to the floating one) to the color set inNnnNormalNC
. This works if I have one or two files open, but not if I have opened a whole session that contains dozens of files. I have taken care to save my sessions without options, i.e. I have taken awayoptions
from mysessionoptions
variable:set sessionoptions=blank,buffers,curdir,folds,help,tabpages,winsize,terminal
How to reproduce
Use the above settings and try to set colors.
Expected behavior
Consistent, trouble-free user experience regarding colors.
- OS: Gentoo Linux
- Terminal: x11-misc/tabbed-0.6-r1 with x11-terms/xterm-367
- Shell: app-shells/bash-5.1_p16
- Vim version: app-editors/vim-8.2.3741
- Gvim version: app-editors/gvim-8.2.3741
- Plugin manager: None
- Plugin version: git clone of Aug. 21st, 2023
- Nnn version: app-misc/nnn-4.8
FWIW I also have
BLK="0B" CHR="0B" DIR="04" EXE="06" REG="00" HARDLINK="06" SYMLINK="06" MISSING="00" ORPHAN="09" FIFO="06" SOCK="0B" OTHER="06"
(taken from https://github.com/sigmavim/vimrc) in my ~/.bashrc