@garrett I can see the desire for this but is this a continuous process from start to end or does each step represent a stop along the way. i.e. to...
@garrett thanks for posting this detailed explanation. Having done many OS installs myself over the years, I get what the problem is, and think your proposed solution is a reasonable...
@garrett @lclay2 I like the addition of the blue outline and coloring of the completed segment, also, and would be in favor of making that enhancement. I'm not completely sold...
@mmenestr @doruskova Do we need follow up doc and design kit issues for this? I think so. If you agree, please add when you get a chance. Thanks.
Based on conversation with @mcoker and @mceledonia we would want to allow inline edit to be applied to the content of a card upon click. This would be enabled in...
@lboehling we will get this on the PF roadmap. Is there a specific timeframe in which it is needed? I am also going to retitle this as "Inline editable card"...
Based on meeting today with @manstis @maryshak1996 @lboehling @mcoker @mattnolting @amysueg we will define a general design approach that can be built as a new PatternFly demo. This should address...
That sounds like a good plan. Thanks for the update @maryshak1996 .
@lboehling I reviewed your document here: I think this is a great summary of the problem and potential solutions. After reading this I wonder if the thing we are...
Per Oct 6 sprint planning - this has been deprioritized by product. May revisit at a future date.