@edonehoo This is looking good. Just a couple of questions/thoughts: * We don't really have an expandable section/header like this in our library but perhaps we should. @evwilkin would we...
Should consider as a possible optional feature but not change the default behavior of our icons.
@nicolethoen @tlabaj ^^^
@thatblindgeye I think that the text you proposed would be helpful to convey what's going on here. It's a good question whether this might ever be used for something other...
OK. Let's stick with what we've got for now and just add the text to clarify what the example is demonstrating. Sound good?
How about, "...set the aria-expanded attribute and apply visual styling on the notification badge and to indicate that a notification drawer is expanded"?
@mattnolting @mcoker Is this functionality supported today or is additional work needed? If there is, I will get this on the roadmap. It's functionality we should support.
Thanks @mattnolting . In that case I am going to transfer this issue over to React and will get it on the roadmap.
I don't have an ETA right now @ncameronbritt . Do you have specific dates when this is needed?
I am going to transfer this back to design to give more consideration to exactly what this should demonstrate.