OPTableView icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
OPTableView copied to clipboard

UITableView subclass with a couple of useful additions.


OPTableView is a subclass of UITableView adding 2 new features:

  • Row snapping: optionally force the table view to snap to a specific row after dragging/scrolling has stopped.

  • Horizontal scrolling: after nearly writing my own UIScrollView subclass to handle large scrolling lists that move horizontally, I realized that a standard UITableView with a CAAffineTransform applied could accomplish the same thing.

Row Snapping

Setting the flag .snapToRows = YES on your table view will cause it to find the most 'appropriate' row to snap to once dragging and/or scrolling ends. The delegate method tableView:shouldSnapToIndexPath: allows you to also tweak the row to snap to just before the snapping occurs. If this method returns nil then the table view will go into free scrolling.

There are also delegate methods for being notified when snapping is about to occur, and when it finishes.

Horizontal Scrolling

Setting the flag .horizontal = YES on your table view causes it's cells to be layed out horizintally, with scrolling going from left to right. This is achieved by applying a CGAffineTransform to the table view to rotate it, and then to each table view cell to undo the rotation.

There is no support for section headers/footers right now, mostly because I can't think of a good use for them (I think it would look weird when they accumulate on the left/right). More importantly, there is not currently any support for tableHeaderView and tableFooterView, but I do want to support that, so I've opened an issue. ##Installation

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Brandon Williams


OPTableView is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.