Pass4Win copied to clipboard
Sharing between linux and windows
I'm trying to give my wife access to our shared passwords. She is on Windows 8, but most of the passwords have been created using pass on Linux (Debian).
When I pull up one of these entries in Pass4Win on Windows, the lines are all merged together. I suspect this is because of the \n unix-style line ending, versus \r\n on windows.
It would be nice if Pass4Win could transparently map unix line endings to windows line endings before displaying them (and before grabbing the password from the "first line").
Even better would be a config option to save the entries using unix line endings, so I could use Pass4Win generated entries on Debian too.
If you are using git to keep passwords in sync across machines, this can be handled by git directly. See this StackOverflow post for more info on git's handling of line endings.
In this case, git is storing the encrypted passwords. The line endings need to be modified for the un-encrypted contents.
Thanks for reporting this. You're right in that the program should handle this due to the encryption. Will fix it in a new release.