sidebery icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
sidebery copied to clipboard

Drag & Drop in Tabs panel no longer working

Open cptSwing opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

Steps to reproduce

I'll include any obvious non-default configuration options I've set here, I'm in no way sure they are related though:

  • (Set navigation bar to vertical)

  • (Use Css style from Wiki to make panel titles vertical)

  • Drag a tab somewhere, either trying to insert it in another tab-tree, or just changing it's position in the panel

Expected behavior

  • Well, success in my endeavours :)

Actual behavior

  • The blue 'drag' line appears in the very upper portion of the panel, not going below ~4th tab.
  • Upon releasing, the tab I try to move around is sent to the end of the panel (and reloads, though this is likely because it was dormant before)

Debug info

Addon data

{ "settings": { "version": "4.10.1", "nativeScrollbars": true, "selWinScreenshots": true, "tabsCheck": true, "tabsFix": "notify", "markWindow": false, "markWindowPreface": "​", "ctxMenuNative": false, "autoHideCtxMenu": 1000, "ctxMenuRenderInact": true, "ctxMenuIgnoreContainers": "", "navBarLayout": "vertical", "navBarInline": false, "hideAddBtn": false, "hideSettingsBtn": false, "navBtnCount": false, "hideEmptyPanels": false, "navActTabsPanelLeftClickAction": "none", "navActBookmarksPanelLeftClickAction": "none", "navMidClickAction": "none", "navSwitchPanelsWheel": false, "groupLayout": "grid", "skipEmptyPanels": true, "dndTabAct": true, "dndTabActDelay": 500, "dndTabActMod": "none", "dndExp": "pointer", "dndExpDelay": 0, "dndExpMod": "none", "stateStorage": "session", "warnOnMultiTabClose": "collapsed", "activateOnMouseUp": true, "activateLastTabOnPanelSwitching": true, "showTabRmBtn": true, "showTabCtx": true, "hideInact": false, "activateAfterClosing": "prev_act", "activateAfterClosingPrevRule": "visible", "activateAfterClosingNextRule": "tree", "activateAfterClosingGlobal": false, "activateAfterClosingNoFolded": true, "activateAfterClosingNoDiscarded": true, "shiftSelAct": true, "askNewBookmarkPlace": true, "tabsRmUndoNote": true, "nativeHighlight": true, "tabsUnreadMark": true, "tabsReloadLimit": 5, "tabsReloadLimitNotif": true, "tabsPanelSwitchActMove": true, "moveNewTabPin": "end", "moveNewTabParent": "last_child", "moveNewTabParentActPanel": true, "moveNewTab": "end", "pinnedTabsPosition": "top", "pinnedTabsList": false, "pinnedAutoGroup": false, "tabsTree": true, "groupOnOpen": true, "tabsTreeLimit": 3, "hideFoldedTabs": true, "autoFoldTabs": true, "autoFoldTabsExcept": 1, "autoExpandTabs": true, "rmChildTabs": "none", "tabsChildCount": true, "tabsLvlDots": false, "discardFolded": true, "discardFoldedDelay": 30, "discardFoldedDelayUnit": "sec", "tabsTreeBookmarks": true, "treeRmOutdent": "branch", "bookmarksPanel": true, "warnOnMultiBookmarkDelete": "any", "openBookmarkNewTab": false, "midClickBookmark": "open_new_tab", "actMidClickTab": false, "autoCloseBookmarks": false, "autoRemoveOther": false, "highlightOpenBookmarks": true, "activateOpenBookmarkTab": true, "showBookmarkLen": false, "bookmarksRmUndoNote": true, "fontSize": "xxs", "bgNoise": false, "animations": false, "animationSpeed": "fast", "theme": "tactile", "style": "auto", "sidebarCSS": true, "groupCSS": false, "snapNotify": true, "snapExcludePrivate": true, "snapInterval": 0, "snapIntervalUnit": "min", "snapLimit": 0, "snapLimitUnit": "snap", "hScrollThroughPanels": false, "scrollThroughTabs": "none", "scrollThroughVisibleTabs": false, "scrollThroughTabsSkipDiscarded": false, "scrollThroughTabsExceptOverflow": true, "scrollThroughTabsCyclic": false, "tabDoubleClick": "none", "tabLongLeftClick": "none", "tabLongRightClick": "none", "tabsPanelLeftClickAction": "none", "tabsPanelDoubleClickAction": "none", "tabsPanelRightClickAction": "none", "tabsPanelMiddleClickAction": "none", "syncName": "FF", "syncSaveSettings": true, "syncSaveCtxMenu": true, "syncSaveStyles": true, "syncAutoApply": false }, "permissions": { "allUrls": true, "tabHide": true, "actualAllUrls": true, "actualTabHide": true }, "storage": { "size": "451 kb", "props": { "bookmarksMenu": "226 b", "bookmarksPanelMenu": "54 b", "cssVars": "1.7 kb", "expandedBookmarks": "35 b", "favAutoCleanTime": "10 b", "favUrls": "5.3 kb", "favicons": "412 kb", "lastSnapTime": "13 b", "panelIndex": "1 b", "panels_v4": "444 b", "prevTabsData_v4": "13.6 kb", "profileID": "14 b", "settings": "2.8 kb", "sidebarCSS": "1.3 kb", "snapshots_v4": "2 b", "tabsData_v4": "12.6 kb", "tabsMenu": "312 b", "tabsPanelMenu": "184 b" } }, "panels": [ { "type": "bookmarks", "id": "bookmarks", "cookieStoreId": "bookmarks", "name": 9, "icon": "...", "bookmarks": true, "lockedPanel": true, "skipOnSwitching": false }, { "type": "default", "id": "firefox-default", "name": 7, "icon": "...", "cookieStoreId": "firefox-default", "lockedTabs": false, "lockedPanel": true, "skipOnSwitching": false, "noEmpty": false, "newTabCtx": "none", "dropTabCtx": "none", "moveTabCtx": "none", "moveTabCtxNoChild": true } ], "containers": [], "cssVars": { "bg": "#fafafa", "title_fg": "#000", "favicons_placeholder_bg": "rgba(0,0,0,0.282)", "nav_btn_fg": "#646464", "nav_btn_width": "1.75rem", "tabs_height": "2rem", "tabs_pinned_height": "3rem", "tabs_fg": "#323232", "tabs_activated_shadow": "none", "bookmarks_bookmark_height": "2rem", "bookmarks_folder_height": "2rem" }, "sidebarCSSLen": 1278, "windows": [ { "state": "maximized", "incognito": false, "tabsCount": 20 }, { "state": "maximized", "incognito": false, "tabsCount": 25 }, { "state": "maximized", "incognito": false, "tabsCount": 44 }, { "state": "maximized", "incognito": false, "tabsCount": 50 }, { "state": "normal", "incognito": false, "tabsCount": 1 }, { "state": "maximized", "incognito": false, "tabsCount": 1 } ], "tabsMenu": [ [ "undoRmTab", "mute", "reload", "bookmark" ], "separator-1", [ { "name": "Move to" }, "moveToNewWin", "moveToWin", "moveToPanel" ], [ { "name": "Reopen in" }, "reopenInNewWin", "reopenInWin", "reopenInCtr" ], "separator-2", [ "pin" ], [ "duplicate" ], "discard", "copyUrls", "separator-3", "group", "flatten", "separator-4", "clearCookies", "close" ], "bookmarksMenu": [ [ { "name": "Open in" }, "openInNewWin", "openInNewPrivWin", "openInCtr" ], "separator-5", "createBookmark", "createFolder", "createSeparator", "separator-6", "sortByName", "sortByLink", "sortByTime", "separator-7", "copyUrls", "edit", "delete" ], "bookmarks": { "bookmarksCount": 3326, "foldersCount": 254, "separatorsCount": 4, "maxDepth": 5 } }


No output in console, I'm afraid

cptSwing avatar Aug 16 '22 09:08 cptSwing

Thanks for the report. The root of this bug is that Sidebery doesn't understand rem values, so to workaround this issue change rem units to px in style editor.

mbnuqw avatar Aug 19 '22 18:08 mbnuqw

That worked a charm in the interim! Thanks a lot for the help and for the extension as such - apart from this stumble I am beginning to see the power of Sidebery. Seems very extendable right now and is bound to go much further yet.

The various FF css tricks I've tried fooling around with for hiding tab-bar and so on are a bit of a pain, but that's down to ff needing people to jump through more and more hoops to customise it's look.. /rant

Anyway, cheers. Would love to donate a few bucks somewhere.

cptSwing avatar Aug 31 '22 21:08 cptSwing

Thanks for the report. The root of this bug is that Sidebery doesn't understand rem values, so to workaround this issue change rem units to px in style editor.

Thanks for explaining this. Long term it would be nice to have a way to style Sidebery that was independent of pixels because pixel sizes are difficult to share across systems/screens of different resolutions. In the interim, perhaps the style editor could have a warning near it to avoid rem units.

dvogel avatar Mar 06 '24 22:03 dvogel