sidebery copied to clipboard
Sidebery flatten all tabs after restart Firefox
Steps to reproduce
- Open Firefox in new profile
- Install Sidebery
- Open some tabs and group them as tree
- Restart Firefox and click history > restore the previous session
Expected behavior
Tabs are grouped according to the state before the restart
Actual behavior
Observe that all tabs are flattened.
Debug info
Addon data
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Addition Information: I tested the Tree Style Tab, and it can restore the tree properly after restarting Firefox.
It can be reproduced in Firefox ESR 115.5.0 as well.
Using Firefox 120.0.1 on Arch Linux. This issue can be reproduce on my machine too.
Using Firefox 120.0.1 on Windows 11, it also can be reproduced on my machine.
Plugin debugging information:
"addonVersion": "5.0.0",
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"tabsCount": 8
"bookmarks": "TypeError: browser.bookmarks is undefined"
Needless to say, it occurs on my machine as well (Arch + 120.0.1).
Maybe a quick (while dirty) workaround would be to automatically apply a snapshot? Applying a snapshot restores the layout for me.
@CoelacanthusHex I see you have
"hideEmptyPanels": true,
I noticed something that when you have multiple panels and the setting "Hide Empty Tabs Panel" set as On Then if I restart firefox the panels that had tabs are shown in the default panel and not their original panels. Can't recall if they are flattened.
This is a bug. However as workaround if I have "Hide Empty Tabs Panel" set as Off and I restart Firefox then tabs and panels are all restored correctly to their original positions.
@CoelacanthusHex I see you have
"hideEmptyPanels": true,
I noticed something that when you have multiple panels and the setting "Hide Empty Tabs Panel" set as On Then if I restart firefox the panels that had tabs are shown in the default panel and not their original panels. Can't recall if they are flattened.
This is a bug. However as workaround if I have "Hide Empty Tabs Panel" set as Off and I restart Firefox then tabs and panels are all restored correctly to their original positions.
Sadly, it doesn't work for me. And I have only one panel.
Can confirm all my tabs just flattened, went to my default channel and my pinned tabs went to my default panel after restoring a window. (despite hideEmptyPanels being false)
Tried various things to try simulate the problem on a new window by doing things I did and keeping my exact same settings but couldn't the problem. Problem most likely doesn't seem to be settings related then)
Reprodeceable on Archlinux + Firefox 125.0.1.
Note that you have to disable "General - Startup - Open previous windows and tabs" first, so that "restore the previous session" will appear next time start firefox.
In my case (MacOS 14.4.1 + FF 125.0.2, no other extensions) tabs and panels get flattened if I use "Restore the previous session". However, if I turn on "Open previous windows and tabs" in the FF settings, the panels and the tabs are restored correctly.
Reproducible on Arch and Firefox 131.0.