sidebery copied to clipboard
Closing tabs is now inaccurate since recent updates
Steps to reproduce
- Open Firefox in new profile
- Install Sidebery
- Try to close tabs
Expected behavior
Using middle-mouse button click the tabs closed should be the ones under the mouse cursor.
Actual behavior
Tabs not under mouse cursor are now being closed.
Debug info
Addon data
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I can't seem to reproduce it on demand. See the video below for one instance of it - this occurred when using middle-mouse click to close tabs.
To get logs:
- Open DevTools (open this url in new tab: about:devtools-toolbox?id=%7B3c078156-979c-498b-8990-85f7987dd929%7D&type=extension).
- Navigate to "console" tab.
- Click on the trash bin icon (at the top-left) to clear console.
- Then try to reproduce the issue.
- If messages appear, copy and paste them here inside this codeblock, replacing this text. /
I'm sorry, I do not have a solution for you.
But I do use the middle-mouse button exclusively to close tabs. I use nothing else.
With having around 2000 tabs open constantly (in many groups spread across 7 panels), and opening and closing hundreds of tabs every day, I can honestly say I use "middle-click to close" an awful lot. But I have never seen that behavior. Sidebery always only closes the tab under the mouse cursor.
Maybe I'm asking something you have already tried, but have you tried disabling ALL other extensions and only Sidebery active, to see if that changes anything?
Or, even better, tried creating a fresh new profile in Firefox, to see if the problem persists? I have seen some pretty odd behavior in Firefox caused by a corrupt/badly functioning profiles. I don't know. Maybe it is worth trying?
I'm also experiencing the same problem even after disabling all of my other add-ons except for BitWarden and AdNauseum Attempting to close a tab closes the one above it.
Can confirm that the issue is really present for quite a while now. At first, I thought that I've just misclicked while closing tabs one-after-another with middle click. But recently I've discovered that the issue is present even when I close tab by left-clicking on its cross icon. The first click will close the tab under the cursor, but the second will close the tab above the one under the cursor. Too bad the bug is not 100% reproducible - right now I triggered it two or three times in a row and then all of a sudden it can't be triggered anymore.
i experience this on multiple devices on all these devices i have at least 100 tabs open.
Seeing this behavior occasionally here. I have a couple hundred tabs open and middle-clicking to close my tab will sometimes close other tabs as well without warning. Using the X to close the tab instead seems to work properly.