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Install / migration error on Rails
ActiveRecord::MismatchedForeignKey: Column `tag_id` on table `taggings` does not match column `id` on `tags`, which has type `bigint(20)`. To resolve this issue, change the type of the `tag_id` column on `taggings` to be :bigint. (For example `t.bigint :tag_id`).```
looks like a regression within rails, I was able to workaround via:
# 20220319093244_acts_as_taggable_on_migration.acts_as_taggable_on_engine.rb
# t.references :tag, foreign_key: { to_table: ActsAsTaggableOn.tags_table }
t.references :tag, foreign_key: { to_table: ActsAsTaggableOn.tags_table }, type: :bigint
# 20220319093245_add_missing_unique_indices.acts_as_taggable_on_engine.rb
# Mysql2::Error: Cannot drop index 'index_taggings_on_tag_id': needed in a foreign key constraint
# remove_index ActsAsTaggableOn.taggings_table, :tag_id if index_exists?(ActsAsTaggableOn.taggings_table, :tag_id)
I can confirm the problem is also applicable to Rails 6.1.5.
@dieter-medium's workaround works as on that version too.
We've been having this issue and noticed a couple things, maybe someone can clarify what happened?
Looking at commits starting Jan 6, it looks like a fix was merged, but then in the commit after (release 9.0.1 - which looks like it specifically for this issue) got partially reverted?
Was that an intentional revert (and why) or a maybe bad merge? TYIA for any insight. 😃
I fixed my migration issue with the dropping of foreign key indexes by adding a function to be more careful about how it gets done...probably necessary b/c I'm on mysql. No guarantees this is the best way...just fixing it fast for myself but adding here in case it helps someone else:
# This migration comes from acts_as_taggable_on_engine (originally 2)
class AddMissingUniqueIndices < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
def self.up
tags_table = ActsAsTaggableOn.tags_table
taggings_table = ActsAsTaggableOn.taggings_table
add_index tags_table, :name, unique: true
safely_remove_index(table_name: taggings_table, column_name: :tag)
safely_remove_index(table_name: taggings_table, index_name: 'taggings_taggable_context_idx')
add_index taggings_table,
%i[tag_id taggable_id taggable_type context tagger_id tagger_type],
unique: true, name: 'taggings_idx'
def self.down
remove_index ActsAsTaggableOn.tags_table, :name
remove_index ActsAsTaggableOn.taggings_table, name: 'taggings_idx'
add_index ActsAsTaggableOn.taggings_table, :tag_id unless index_exists?(ActsAsTaggableOn.taggings_table, :tag_id)
add_index ActsAsTaggableOn.taggings_table, %i[taggable_id taggable_type context],
name: 'taggings_taggable_context_idx'
def self.safely_remove_index(table_name:, column_name: nil, index_name: nil)
raise ArgumentError, 'set either column_name or index_name' if column_name.nil? && index_name.nil?
if column_name.present?
# remove the foreign key if exists
remove_foreign_key table_name, column: column_name if foreign_key_exists? table_name, column_name
# refresh the table definition
"ActsAsTaggableOn::#{table_name.to_s.singularize.camelize}".constantize.send :reset_column_information
# now remove the index on that field if it exists
remove_index table_name, column: column_name, if_exists: true if index_exists?(table_name, column_name)
"ActsAsTaggableOn::#{table_name.to_s.singularize.camelize}".constantize.send :reset_column_information
remove_index table_name, name: index_name, if_exists: true if index_exists?(table_name, name: index_name)
I fixed my migration issue with the dropping of foreign key indexes by adding a function to be more careful about how it gets done...probably necessary b/c I'm on mysql. No guarantees this is the best way...just fixing it fast for myself but adding here in case it helps someone else:
Just had to change line 39 to:
remove_index table_name, name: index_name, if_exists: true if index_name_exists?(table_name, index_name)