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Issue with deletion of documents.
I am testrunning the taskbot to be able to delete documents wit taskbot. I used the sample from the docs to create 1 million docs. I can see this filling up the tskqueue.
Insert documents:
xquery version "1.0-ml";
import module namespace tb = "ns://blakeley.com/taskbot" at "/taskbot.xqy";
(: This will create 1 million docs in block sizes of 500, so it will create 2000 tasks on the taskserver queue :)
(: Total size of the job. :)
1 to 1000 * 1000,
(: Size of each segment of work. :)
(: This anonymous function will be called for each segment. :)
function($list as item()+, $opts as map:map?) {
(: Any chainsaw should have a safety. Check it here. :)
for $i in $list
return xdmp:document-insert(
element asset {
attribute id { 'asset'||$i },
element asset-org { 1 + xdmp:random(99) },
element asset-person { 1 + xdmp:random(999) },
(1 to xdmp:random(9))
! element asset-ref { xdmp:random(1000) } }),
(: options - not used in this example. :)
map:new(map:entry('testing', '123...')),
(: This is an update, so be sure to say so. :)
Delete documents: xquery version "1.0-ml"; import module namespace tb = "ns://blakeley.com/taskbot" at "/taskbot.xqy"; let $uris := cts:uris() tb:list-segment-process( (: Total size of the job. :) $uris, (: Size of each segment of work. :) 500, "Delete Documents", (: This anonymous function will be called for each segment. :) function($list as item()+, $opts as map:map?) { (: Any chainsaw should have a safety. Check it here. :) tb:maybe-fatal(), for $uri in $list return xdmp:document-delete($uri), xdmp:sleep(500), xdmp:commit() }, (: options - not used in this example. :) map:new(map:entry('testing', '123...')), (: This is an update, so be sure to say so. :) $tb:OPTIONS-UPDATE )
When I execute the deletion, I can see about half of the documents get deleted!! I also get errors stating 2015-12-23 12:55:16.183 Notice: TaskServer: XDMP-AS: (err:XPTY0004) $list as item()+ -- Invalid coercion: () as item()+ 2015-12-23 12:55:16.183 Notice: TaskServer: in /taskbot.xqy, at 294:37, 2015-12-23 12:55:16.183 Notice: TaskServer: in function() as item()*() [1.0-ml] 2015-12-23 12:55:16.183 Notice: TaskServer: in /taskbot.xqy [1.0-ml] 2015-12-23 12:55:16.279 Info: App-Services: ()
This would mean that during execution the list of uris will shrink according to the nr of documents that get deleted. Even surrounding the cts:uris() call with cts:eager will not resolve this.
I got this resolved with the help of Geert Josten who suggested the following: wrap the $uris (first parameter of the list-segment-process) in json:array-values(json:to-array($uris))
I also noted the following when I tried the $OPTIONS-SYNC-UPDATE parameter. When I use the $OPTIONS-SYNC-UPDATE parameter, the taskservers queue will never fill up like it does when I tried this with OPTIONS-UPDATE. It even does not make use of all available threads on the taskserver.
Why is that?
First part is resolved by adding the option "eager" to the cts:uris. This changed between version 7 and 8. In 8 "lazy" is the default option if no other options are selected.
Second part is probably caused by the try catch surrounding the xdmp:spawn-function. Don't have an explanation for that yet, but when I remove the try catch, it will utilize all available threads.