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A build cache

Results 38 buildcache issues
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Any documents how can we clean the old cache ? I we just delete the file by last modified time, will this affect the performance. Could you add command to...

I'm getting 100% misses from a largely-unchanging codebase, and looking at the debug log I see repeated messages for `Failed to parse stats object`. This has worked for me in...

This is the behavior when the MSVC project uses ObjectFileName ending with a slash.

That set me back by a bit under 2 hours (a real buildache)

Certain tasks are better done in the background in a daemon process, such as: * Compress and upload cache entries to a remote cache. * House-keeping (prune old cache entries...


It is important to have command line configuration, at least as small as as path to homedir and/or configuration file otherwise it only configurable with enviornment variables, which are hard...


Very interesting talk about file system optimizations on Windows: "NTFS really isn't that bad" - Robert Collins (LCA 2020) Around 20:15 Robert mentions a solution that avoids blocking on `CloseHandle()`...


At least in clang-cl, buildcache is not generating pch file, with something like that: /Ycprecompile.h /Fpprecompile.pch -Foprecompile.obj precompile.cpp which then would cause to file all files depending on PCH

When invoking clang-cl, my command line looked like: ``` clang-cl [args] -- ../source.cpp ``` Before, buildcache would append extra flags to the end, which are interpreted as source files due...

Adds support for multiple -arch args to gcc (as this is something Apple Clang supports). Inspired by ccache/ccache#107