Results 15 comments of Michael B. Gale

Hi @NiccoloFei 👋 I'll check with the team to see if we have made any changes to the SARIF upload recently that could be responsible for this, but have you...

Hi @kexinoh 👋 Thanks for reporting this problem here. We would probably need a bit more information to debug this. It looks like `query0.ql` etc. may be your own queries?...

Hi @Jamstah 👋 Thanks for reporting this and including the links to the relevant parts of the code and corresponding alerts! That is all very helpful. This is a tricky...

No problem! > I don't know if you want to leave this open or close it, but I won't be offended either way. We do want to leave this open...

Hi @tardigrade-9 👋 Sorry for the late reply, your question seems to have fallen through the cracks last month. Do you have a minimal code example where you would expect...