florida-covid19-line-list-data copied to clipboard
Info Request
Hi Marc,
My team has been using the link to the FL state linelist that we found in your repo for the past few months (https://www.arcgis.com/sharing/rest/content/items/4cc62b3a510949c7a8167f6baa3e069d/data
). This past week, it broke, or some permissions were changed.
You wouldn't happen to know if there is a new link, would you?
So, I think I was able to answer my question. Here's the summary:
On April 6, FLDoH split the line list into two, one for 2020 and one for 2021. The files can be downloaded manually here:
- https://open-fdoh.hub.arcgis.com/datasets/1d8756918efd40258ae05723f1c4ece0_0
- https://open-fdoh.hub.arcgis.com/datasets/florida-covid19-case-line-data-2021-1
I don't know if there is an API up and running yet. Furthermore, FLDoH made some changes to their data format:
- column names are truncated:
- "Jurisdiction" --> "Jurisdicti"
- "Hospitalized" --> "Hospitaliz"
- column name "Case" --> "Case_"
- column name "Case_" --> "Case1" WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS???????
- date format: "m/d/YY" --> "YYYY/MM/DD" (1/1/21 --> 2021/01/01)
- maybe others that I missed? who knows
Anyway, I was able to manually (point and click) download the two new data sets, and I updated my code to fit their format changes. I hope this helps you or other people who find this issue.
Thanks for the information. I don't update my repo anymore, but your info documented in this issue is hopefully helpful to others.