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LLJS: Low-Level JavaScript
The LLJS memory allocator does not support automatic garbage collection currently. Would be nice to be able to switch GC on/off when compiling. If the GC is turned on, the...
The "Functions" example on lljs.org shows that function copying leaks into the dynamic type system: ``` let unsafeQuux = quux; ``` Just to see what happens, `let i32 unsafeQuux =...
I'm trying to port some C code to LLJS using a simple string replacement script. In the C code, I have some logic like: ``` C u8 i = (u8)...
perhaps something like this? https://github.com/mikesmullin/cpp-opengl/blob/master/game.coffee
The compiler gives "cannot use . operator on pointer type" ``` struct Foo { int x; function foo() { this->x++; } }; ```
`1 / 3` compiles as `1 / 3 | 0` as expected, but I would expect `1.0 / 3.0` to be `1 / 3` not `0`.
The next big thing that LLJS Structs currently lack compared to C∕C++ are bit fields. A syntax similar to this snippet would be great: ``` struct BitFieldStruct { int x:...
That'd be neat. (Totally legit feature request #WINNING)
If you try to downcast any integer to a lower byte signed integer the output is wrong. ``` trace("i16: " + (i16)(65535)); ``` Leads to "Unknown expression type: undefined". It...
Hey guys, I finished hacking a simple benchmark together. It's pretty ugly code, but I think it's good enough to work with. It's a simple 2d graphics renderer that does...