Michael Baudin
Michael Baudin
### What happened? The Binomial distribution does not draw its PDF for n = 10 and alpha = 0. The script below generates the exception "The skewness is not defined...
### What happened? In this issue, I consider the `Function.draw()` method. This method has many input arguments, but some of them could be simplified or reduced. - The current API...
### What is the idea? In the script below, we estimate the probability $p = \mathbb{P}\left(x_\alpha \leq X_{(59})\right)$ where $X$ is a random variable with uniform(-1,1) distribution, $x_\alpha$ is the...
**Describe the bug** Importing the module makes Python fail when `chaospy` is installed from `pip` using `numpy` 2.0. It is likely to be a problem related to the support of...
### What happened? In #2759, we implement `Distribution.getPDF()` and `Distribution.getCDF()` which return the `ot.Function` corresponding to the PDF or CDF. This feature is interesting for various cases, e.g. compute or...
### What happened? The purpose of the [plot_distribution_linear_regression.html](https://openturns.github.io/openturns/master/auto_meta_modeling/general_purpose_metamodels/plot_distribution_linear_regression.html) example is to present the distribution of the estimators in linear regression. The first part presents the distribution of the sample variance...
### What happened? If the GridLayout.add(grid) was available, then we could add a grid to another one. Of course, this requires that the number of rows and columns are equal...
There is no `PythonCovarianceModel` class in OpenTURNS. Hence, we cannot estimate the hyperparameters of a covariance model with maximum likelihood method that would be defined in Python. This prevents from...
### What happened? When using a low discrepancy sequence, we might be interested by seeing what happens if we restart the sequence, that is, if the index used to generate...
### What happened? In the next script, I create a full polynomial chaos expansion and estimate its coefficients using least squares. This produces: ``` File c:\\Users\\c61372\\AppData\\Local\\miniforge3\\envs\\myEnvironment\\Lib\\site-packages\\openturns\\metamodel.py:4075, in FunctionalChaosAlgorithm.run(self) 4067 def...