Michael Baudin

Results 113 issues of Michael Baudin

**Describe the bug** The Jupyter Notebook fails to produce the PDF using LaTeX. The error is: ``` ! Undefined control sequence. \LT@array ->\global \let \caption@opt@@longtable \@undefined \def \captionse... l.384 ...width...

I commonly use black as a pre-commit git hook. To do this, I create the file .pre-commit-config.yaml with the following content: ``` repos: - repo: https://github.com/ambv/black rev: stable hooks: -...

The following script creates a TruncatedNormalFactory from a sample: ``` import openturns as ot ot.RandomGenerator.SetSeed(0) a = -1 b=2.5 mu = 2. sigma = 3. distribution = ot.TruncatedNormal(mu,sigma,a,b) distFactory =...

needs review

The current implementation uses `MaximumLikelihoodFactory`: https://github.com/openturns/openturns/blob/23fecee7e9388cc09bee8e70417f37a7fbc6810a/lib/src/Uncertainty/Distribution/ParetoFactory.cxx#L86 The implementation could make a use of * generic MaximumLikelihoodFactory for gamma, * the exact implementation for alpha and beta I will handle this:...


The following file contains a sample: [sample_E.txt](https://github.com/openturns/openturns/files/3729807/sample_E.txt) I saved it into the "Téléchargements" directory. Then the following script fails: ```Python import openturns as ot import os filename = os.path.join(u"Téléchargements","sample_E.txt") dataE=ot.Sample.ImportFromCSVFile(filename)...


When using kriging, the most expensive task is the calibration of the parameters of the covariance function, done by log-likelihood maximization. When the optimization is done using a gradient-based algorithm,...


Hi, When one try to save an instance of an OpenTURNSPythonFunction with pure python attributes, it works perfectly well, but if there is at least one OpenTURNS attribute (such as...


Reported by: | schueller when dimension is a result of a computation Reference: http://trac.openturns.org/ticket/801


Reported by: | anne.dutfoy Hi! I would like to be able to estimate a truncated distribution from data when the bounds are fixed by the User and the model is...


The SobolSimulationAlgorithm stopping criteria is more complicated than required. The second stopping criteria may ensure that the first order indices are separable from the total order indices. After several experiments...

needs review