Dmitry R.

Results 24 comments of Dmitry R.

pls see my comment there:, some features will not work with this systemd unit

@yingziwu it is just demonstration and my trying to fix permission issues. I'm not sure that other security flags make sense when process have `CAP_SYS_PTRACE` capability and has access to...

Thank you for response, It is already `routeOnly: true`, Sniffing feature parses SNI domain from http header and routes traffic based on this SNI domain name. RouteOnly parameter means that...

Yes, I know it, but I want to use it with vless/ss/socks clients. It will helpful when you have multiple clients which using different protocols and clients

@yuhan6665 maybe I missed something, I can configure dokodemo-door/tproxy and forward traffic via iptables on linux pc. But how I can use it with shadowsocks-android client for example?

> shadowsocks-android or v2rayNG uses VPN service. It function very much like transproxy. All you need to do is disable sniffing or use routeOnly option (xray-core) Oh yes, I didn't...

> 别用 switchyomega 尝试 Switchyomega is only one of thousand possible scenarios of using socks-proxy. Also using `IPOnDemand` routing with Socks proxy causing double-request to DNS(one to internal dns...

wow, this feature was already implemented in and works perfectly ``` { "outbounds": [ { "protocol": "shadowsocks", "settings": { ... }, "domainStrategy": "AsIs/UseIP/UseIPv[4/6]/PreferIPv[4/6]" } ] } ```

@gubiao thank you, it works as I expected but in my opinion it looks not good and better to add domainStrategy to vless and other outbounds as it is in...