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Tried to send data from RPi to Arduino but Arduino did not receive data
Hello, i am trying to perform the client and the server side of which arduino is the client and RPi is the server based on the rpsreal/LoRa_Ra-02_Arduino given examples. However, when RPi send data to Arduino, Arduino does not receive data from the RPi. I have changed nothing from the code. I use sx1278 Ra-02 module.
Are you using the rpsreal fork of this library? If yes, then you probably should ask rpsreal, because I don’t really know what this is, exactly. If no, you should probably try the rpsreal fork first.
Thank you very much for your response. I used the pySX127x library and the example for my RPi with sx1278 Ra-02 module and successfully received data from my arduino with sx1278 Ra-02 module. However, when i try the other way around and use the to send data to my arduino, i cannot see any received data in my arduino.
I already tried rps fork of this library but i cannot get it to work.
I am also having the same issue as @paulcastor30 Someone, please help with this.
I am also having the same issue as @paulcastor30
I use SX1276 module.
I need help. Because i've been searching for many days I want to cry.
@thanapol199717 @atonughosh did you succeeded in making the library work for the RPi to send data and for arduino to receive the data?
Now I can send data to the arduino using Raspi, I use this one. >> For Raspi >> For Arduino
Right now, I still can't get it back and forth.
@thanapol199717 thank you very much for your reply.
I can now send data from RPi to Arduino and vice versa. This are the libraries I used to make it work. >> for Arduino >> for RPi
You can give it a try and experiment with the examples given there to suit your needs. It works with the RFM95/6/7/8 LoRa 433/915mhz radio modules.
@paulcastor30 thank you very much Can you tell me which code you use, because RFM95 is not used? I want it to communicate with each other to control some devices.
@thanapol199717 may i know what specific module did you use on your arduino and RPi?
I already got my sx1278 module working for both my Arduino and RPi to send data vice versa continously.
@thanapol199717 I used the following: >> RPi server. Send data to arduino with sx1278 module and wait for a response from arduino at a certain time interval. RadioHead\examples\rf95\rf95_server.pde >> Arduino with sx1278. Receive a data from RPi and send a datain return as a response.
@paulcastor30 I am using the SX1276 module, I want Raspi and Arduino to send data vice versa.
I still can't find a way, can you tell me? I don't know if the example you provided is with my SX1276 module, because I am using the Lora.h library at Arduino.
@thanapol199717 do you have any means online so i can contact you? i am willing to help you.
@paulcastor30 I have an email [email protected]. And this is my facebook Thanapol pornanake. Or do you have other channels? So I can apply to contact you. Thank you very much Paulcastor30
Okay sure, i am gonna send an email to help you. thanks.
Thank you very much
@paulcastor30 are you open to drop me a mail as well? I can send data from:
- PI to to PI
- Arduino to PI.
But not from Pi to Arduino with callbacks.
[email protected] Thank you very much.
I was wonder where can I find the solution to send data from Arduino to RaspberryPi? I need help with my project.
Thank you in advance!
Arduino to Pi should work, according to the comments here. If you tell us what hardware & library you are using then maybe someone can help.
@paulcastor30 can you drop me a mail about your setup? I've tried to send data from RPi to ESP32 without receive any data
Thank you for your support
Quick update, resolve by using the library Adafruit_CircuitPython_RFM9x Rock you guys