set-egpu icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
set-egpu copied to clipboard

Display-agnostic acceleration of macOS applications using external GPUs.

Results 8 set-egpu issues
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Attempting to run the script as-is fails on 12.3.1, another mac on 11.6.5 (that doesn't have eGPU) also fails to have any output from this command. Deploying a workaround allows...

Becuase I've just sold my eGPU and having some bug that some app still recongise I'm using eGPU, how can I untick use eGPU by default for all my apps?...

Bit of an unusual Q / feature request for you - is there any way with this tool or others to emulate an eGPU and actually render on the CPU....

Most if not all apps just give me this error. I've granted all permissions to Terminal from System Preferences and tried running script in sudo manually. Using macOS 11.1...

Hi Mayankk, I will try to be brief and specific. The application is called 'Spark' by 'Iguana 2'. I checked in activity monitor and selected prefer egpu in the info...

There are apps that use additional processes for GPU acceleration (i.e. Microsoft Teams, Slack, Chrome) where this script doesn't really help. It is however pretty easy to fix this, as...

@mayankk2308 If you ever decide to optimize this script, I suggest you take a look at this PLIST file: ~/Library/Preferences/ has a collection named "LSeGPUIsPreferred". Opening this collection we see...


When you select apps and it finds multiple you should be able to say all, so for example. select "adobe" returns 17 results, if I could say "all" in the...
