elasticbeanstalk-puma-rails4 copied to clipboard
Quick store for my collection of .ebextension scripts that I use to get a Rails 4.1 app running on AWS ElasticBeanstalk (Puma + Ruby 2.0)
Quick store for my collection of .ebextension scripts that I use to get a Rails 4.1 app running on AWS ElasticBeanstalk (Puma + Ruby 2.0)
These scripts are really just pasted together from different sources and are not perfect. Feel free to fork and clean-up if you have the time.
000fixrake.config - for some reason EB does not run migrations or precompile. This places some predeploy scripts to do this before starting puma.
001fixpermissions.config - fixes permissions for the $GEM_HOME folder
01packages.config - installs some basic yum packages (ImageMagick, gcc, libxml + libxslt, mysql, ruby-devel) and sets some config settings for bundler
002bundle_pack.config - magic. Packing all gems to vendor/cache to make sure they are loaded correctly by the app.
02nginx.config - nginx config to allow uploads of max. 4GB
04rubylibs.config - fix RUBYLIB path
For scripting I found it helpful to see the actual envvars provided by AWS EB:
Thanks @jufemaiz for posting it.