react-native-modalbox copied to clipboard
When I use coverScreen=true, shut off the modal screen will flicker at the top
"react-native-modalbox": "^1.6.0" "react": "16.3.1", "react-native": "0.55.4",
I also got this error
same issue! how to resolved?
same issue with IOS only
As a work around, do the following change in the index.js:
useNativeDriver: true => useNativeDriver: false
I hope it helps
same issue. any chance to be resolved without a work around?
@nes123 thankyou,it's works,but the animation is not running well. hope to have a best solution
same issue +1
same issue +1
same issue +1
same issue +1
iOS react-native-cli: 2.0.1 react-native: 0.55.4 react-native-modalbox: 1.6.0
Uploaded a screencast here.
UPDATE: On Android Real Device 8.0.0 works. no flickering occurred On iOS Real Device 11.4.1 works too
Hey all,
setting useNativeDriver: false
in index.js
solved this for us. I've forked the repo and you can install from here:
~$: npm install git+ssh://
Cheers! 🍻
@jayhack solution worked for me. thanks! you saved my day. @maxs15 do you have any plans to merge this change?
A similar issue on another modal package:
I don't think useNativeDriver: false
is a long term solution due to performance (which is already poor on low-powered android devices). I think it might ultimately be a react-native issue, though.
A similar issue on another modal package: react-native-community/react-native-modal#92
I don't think
useNativeDriver: false
is a long term solution due to performance (which is already poor on low-powered android devices). I think it might ultimately be a react-native issue, though.
You think setting that is not okay? What should we do then? :/ i hate having that flickering, is super annoying.
Seems that this is a react-native issue... in the react-native-modal
github, they sent a fix for this. What should we do on modalbox? any idea guys?
this should be the fix:
import React from 'react'; import PropTypes from 'prop-types'; import { View, StyleSheet, PanResponder, Animated, TouchableWithoutFeedback, Dimensions, Easing, BackHandler, Platform, Modal, Keyboard } from 'react-native';
const {height: SCREEN_HEIGHT, width: SCREEN_WIDTH} = Dimensions.get('window'); const styles = StyleSheet.create({ wrapper: { backgroundColor: 'white' }, transparent: { zIndex: 2, backgroundColor: 'rgba(0,0,0,0)' }, absolute: { position: 'absolute', top: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0 } });
export default class ModalBox extends React.PureComponent { static propTypes = { isOpen: PropTypes.bool, isDisabled: PropTypes.bool, startOpen: PropTypes.bool, backdropPressToClose: PropTypes.bool, swipeToClose: PropTypes.bool, swipeThreshold: PropTypes.number, swipeArea: PropTypes.number, position: PropTypes.string, entry: PropTypes.string, backdrop: PropTypes.bool, backdropOpacity: PropTypes.number, backdropColor: PropTypes.string, backdropContent: PropTypes.element, animationDuration: PropTypes.number, backButtonClose: PropTypes.bool, easing: PropTypes.func, coverScreen: PropTypes.bool, keyboardTopOffset: PropTypes.number, onClosed: PropTypes.func, onOpened: PropTypes.func, onClosingState: PropTypes.func };
static defaultProps = { startOpen: false, backdropPressToClose: true, swipeToClose: true, swipeThreshold: 50, position: 'center', backdrop: true, backdropOpacity: 0.5, backdropColor: 'black', backdropContent: null, animationDuration: 400, backButtonClose: false, easing: Easing.elastic(0.8), coverScreen: false, keyboardTopOffset: Platform.OS == 'ios' ? 22 : 0, useNativeDriver: true };
constructor(props) { super(props);
this.onBackPress = this.onBackPress.bind(this);
this.handleOpenning = this.handleOpenning.bind(this);
this.onKeyboardHide = this.onKeyboardHide.bind(this);
this.onKeyboardChange = this.onKeyboardChange.bind(this);
this.animateBackdropOpen = this.animateBackdropOpen.bind(this);
this.animateBackdropClose = this.animateBackdropClose.bind(this);
this.stopAnimateOpen = this.stopAnimateOpen.bind(this);
this.animateOpen = this.animateOpen.bind(this);
this.stopAnimateClose = this.stopAnimateClose.bind(this);
this.animateClose = this.animateClose.bind(this);
this.calculateModalPosition = this.calculateModalPosition.bind(this);
this.createPanResponder = this.createPanResponder.bind(this);
this.onViewLayout = this.onViewLayout.bind(this);
this.onContainerLayout = this.onContainerLayout.bind(this);
this.renderBackdrop = this.renderBackdrop.bind(this);
this.renderContent = this.renderContent.bind(this); =;
this.close = this.close.bind(this);
const position = props.startOpen
? new Animated.Value(0)
: new Animated.Value(
props.entry === 'top' ? -SCREEN_HEIGHT : SCREEN_HEIGHT
this.state = {
backdropOpacity: new Animated.Value(0),
isOpen: props.startOpen,
isAnimateClose: false,
isAnimateOpen: false,
swipeToClose: false,
containerHeight: SCREEN_HEIGHT,
containerWidth: SCREEN_WIDTH,
isInitialized: false,
keyboardOffset: 0,
pan: this.createPanResponder(position),
hideContent: false,
// Needed for iOS because the keyboard covers the screen
if (Platform.OS === 'ios') {
this.subscriptions = [
Keyboard.addListener('keyboardWillChangeFrame', this.onKeyboardChange),
Keyboard.addListener('keyboardDidHide', this.onKeyboardHide)
componentDidMount() { this.handleOpenning(); }
componentDidUpdate(prevProps) { if (this.props.isOpen != prevProps.isOpen) { this.handleOpenning(); } }
componentWillUnmount() { if (this.subscriptions) this.subscriptions.forEach(sub => sub.remove()); if (this.props.backButtonClose && Platform.OS === 'android') BackHandler.removeEventListener('hardwareBackPress', this.onBackPress); }
onBackPress() { this.close(); return true; }
handleOpenning() { if (typeof this.props.isOpen == 'undefined') return; if (this.props.isOpen); else this.close(); }
/****************** ANIMATIONS **********************/
- The keyboard is hidden (IOS only) */ onKeyboardHide(evt) { this.setState({keyboardOffset: 0}); }
- The keyboard frame changed, used to detect when the keyboard open, faster than keyboardDidShow (IOS only) */ onKeyboardChange(evt) { if (!evt) return; if (!this.state.isOpen) return; const keyboardFrame = evt.endCoordinates; const keyboardHeight = this.state.containerHeight - keyboardFrame.screenY;
this.setState({keyboardOffset: keyboardHeight}, () => {
- Open animation for the backdrop, will fade in */ animateBackdropOpen() { if (this.state.isAnimateBackdrop && this.state.animBackdrop) { this.state.animBackdrop.stop(); } this.setState({isAnimateBackdrop: true});
let animBackdrop = Animated.timing(this.state.backdropOpacity, {
toValue: 1,
duration: this.props.animationDuration,
easing: this.props.easing,
useNativeDriver: this.props.useNativeDriver
}).start(() => {
isAnimateBackdrop: false,
- Close animation for the backdrop, will fade out */ animateBackdropClose() { if (this.state.isAnimateBackdrop && this.state.animBackdrop) { this.state.animBackdrop.stop(); } this.setState({isAnimateBackdrop: true});
let animBackdrop = Animated.timing(this.state.backdropOpacity, {
toValue: 0,
duration: this.props.animationDuration,
easing: this.props.easing,
useNativeDriver: this.props.useNativeDriver
}).start(() => {
isAnimateBackdrop: false,
- Stop opening animation */ stopAnimateOpen() { if (this.state.isAnimateOpen) { if (this.state.animOpen) this.state.animOpen.stop(); this.setState({isAnimateOpen: false}); } }
- Open animation for the modal, will move up */ animateOpen() { this.stopAnimateClose();
// Backdrop fadeIn
if (this.props.backdrop) this.animateBackdropOpen();
isAnimateOpen: true,
isOpen: true
() => {
requestAnimationFrame(() => {
// Detecting modal position
let positionDest = this.calculateModalPosition(
this.state.containerHeight - this.state.keyboardOffset,
if (
this.state.keyboardOffset &&
positionDest < this.props.keyboardTopOffset
) {
positionDest = this.props.keyboardTopOffset;
let animOpen = Animated.timing(this.state.position, {
toValue: positionDest,
duration: this.props.animationDuration,
easing: this.props.easing,
useNativeDriver: this.props.useNativeDriver
}).start(() => {
isAnimateOpen: false,
if (this.props.onOpened) this.props.onOpened();
- Stop closing animation */ stopAnimateClose() { if (this.state.isAnimateClose) { if (this.state.animClose) this.state.animClose.stop(); this.setState({hideContent: true}, () => this.setState({isAnimateClose: false}, () => { this.setState({hideContent: false}); }) ); } }
- Close animation for the modal, will move down */ animateClose() { this.stopAnimateOpen();
// Backdrop fadeout
if (this.props.backdrop) this.animateBackdropClose();
isAnimateClose: true,
isOpen: false
() => {
let animClose = Animated.timing(this.state.position, {
this.props.entry === 'top'
? -this.state.containerHeight
: this.state.containerHeight,
duration: this.props.animationDuration,
easing: this.props.easing,
useNativeDriver: this.props.useNativeDriver
}).start(() => {
// Keyboard.dismiss(); // make this optional. Easily user defined in .onClosed() callback
this.setState({hideContent: true}, () => {
isAnimateClose: false,
}, () => {
this.setState({hideContent: false});
/* Set the state to the starting position of the modal, preventing from animating where the swipe stopped */
this.state.position.setValue(this.props.entry === 'top' ? -this.state.containerHeight : this.state.containerHeight);
if (this.props.onClosed) this.props.onClosed();
- Calculate when should be placed the modal */ calculateModalPosition(containerHeight, containerWidth) { let position = 0;
if (this.props.position == 'bottom') {
position = containerHeight - this.state.height;
} else if (this.props.position == 'center') {
position = containerHeight / 2 - this.state.height / 2;
// Checking if the position >= 0
if (position < 0) position = 0;
return position;
- Create the pan responder to detect gesture
- Only used if swipeToClose is enabled */ createPanResponder(position) { let closingState = false; let inSwipeArea = false;
const onPanStart = (evt, state) => {
if (
!this.props.swipeToClose ||
this.props.isDisabled ||
(this.props.swipeArea &&
evt.nativeEvent.pageY - this.state.positionDest >
) {
inSwipeArea = false;
return false;
inSwipeArea = true;
return true;
const animEvt = Animated.event([null, {customY: position}]);
const onPanMove = (evt, state) => {
const newClosingState =
this.props.entry === 'top'
? -state.dy > this.props.swipeThreshold
: state.dy > this.props.swipeThreshold;
if (this.props.entry === 'top' ? state.dy > 0 : state.dy < 0) return;
if (newClosingState != closingState && this.props.onClosingState)
closingState = newClosingState;
state.customY = state.dy + this.state.positionDest;
animEvt(evt, state);
const onPanRelease = (evt, state) => {
if (!inSwipeArea) return;
inSwipeArea = false;
if (
this.props.entry === 'top'
? -state.dy > this.props.swipeThreshold
: state.dy > this.props.swipeThreshold
) {
} else if (!this.state.isOpen) {
return PanResponder.create({
onStartShouldSetPanResponder: onPanStart,
onPanResponderMove: onPanMove,
onPanResponderRelease: onPanRelease,
onPanResponderTerminate: onPanRelease
- Event called when the modal view layout is calculated */ onViewLayout(evt) { const height = evt.nativeEvent.layout.height; const width = evt.nativeEvent.layout.width;
// If the dimensions are still the same we're done
let newState = {};
if (height !== this.state.height) newState.height = height;
if (width !== this.state.width) newState.width = width;
if (this.onViewLayoutCalculated) this.onViewLayoutCalculated();
- Event called when the container view layout is calculated */ onContainerLayout(evt) { const height = evt.nativeEvent.layout.height; const width = evt.nativeEvent.layout.width;
// If the container size is still the same we're done
if (
height == this.state.containerHeight &&
width == this.state.containerWidth
) {
this.setState({isInitialized: true});
if (this.state.isOpen || this.state.isAnimateOpen) {
if (this.props.onLayout) this.props.onLayout(evt);
isInitialized: true,
containerHeight: height,
containerWidth: width
- Render the backdrop element */ renderBackdrop() { let backdrop = null;
if (this.props.backdrop) {
backdrop = (
onPress={this.props.backdropPressToClose ? this.close : null}>
style={[styles.absolute, {opacity: this.state.backdropOpacity}]}>
backgroundColor: this.props.backdropColor,
opacity: this.props.backdropOpacity
{this.props.backdropContent || []}
return backdrop;
renderContent() { const size = { height: this.state.containerHeight, width: this.state.containerWidth }; const offsetX = (this.state.containerWidth - this.state.width) / 2;
return (
transform: [
{translateY: this.state.position},
{translateX: offsetX}
- Render the component */ render() { const visible = this.state.isOpen || this.state.isAnimateOpen || this.state.isAnimateClose;
if (!visible) return <View />;
const content = (
style={[styles.transparent, styles.absolute]}
style={{flex: 1}}
{visible && this.renderBackdrop()}
{visible && this.renderContent()}
if (!this.props.coverScreen) return content;
return (
onRequestClose={() => {
if (this.props.backButtonClose) {
{this.state.hideContent ? null : content}
/****************** PUBLIC METHODS **********************/
open() { if (this.props.isDisabled) return; if ( !this.state.isAnimateOpen && (!this.state.isOpen || this.state.isAnimateClose) ) { this.onViewLayoutCalculated = () => { this.animateOpen(); if (this.props.backButtonClose && Platform.OS === 'android') BackHandler.addEventListener('hardwareBackPress', this.onBackPress); this.onViewLayoutCalculated = null; }; this.setState({isAnimateOpen: true}); } }
close() { if (this.props.isDisabled) return; if ( !this.state.isAnimateClose && (this.state.isOpen || this.state.isAnimateOpen) ) { this.animateClose(); if (this.props.backButtonClose && Platform.OS === 'android') BackHandler.removeEventListener('hardwareBackPress', this.onBackPress); } } }
Same issue. any updates?
Same issue
"react": "16.13.1", "react-native": "0.62.0", "react-native-modalbox": "2.0.0",
@nes123 why not creating a PR instead?