
Results 40 comments of Max

Could you please check with the Example in the project ? Let's take the first Modal as an example, just add the swipeArea property and wrap the content with a...

I'll check that as soon as I can, looks like the pan responder stop the propagation on the events

There is indeed an issue with a ListView component inside the ModalBox. For now you could just use the swipeArea property, that way the user will only be able to...

I've updated to `Example` folder with a test using a ScrollView. Everything is working on my side

Thanks @matiascba ! Are you using the RN Picker component ?

Hey @faceyspacey Just wanted to get some feedback from your project, did you find an alternative for Android ?

This is awesome ! The two project have a different purpose, screcorder has been developed to record Vine like videos with support of filters. It seems that react-native-camera only support...

Hi, Well normally the videos are not saved in the asset library but in a temporary directory, is the video removed if you close/open the app ? Maybe you could...

Hey ben, Are you sure that you rerender your component correctly after applying the new dimensions in your style ? I didn't have much time recently but I'm going to...