Maximiliano Suster
Maximiliano Suster
@kmsquire. In addition to the av_opt_set and av_opt_get AVOptions we can also use the AVDictionary structure and set key,value pairs by calling av_opt_set_dict() on either AVFormatContext or AVCodecContext. One particular...
Thanks for the explanation. Yes, I have used AVDictionary in VideoIO for the simple case above, used av_dict_set() and passed the AVDictionary to avformat_open_input. The AVOptions API also relies on...
No problem, have a nice holiday! I have finished the AVOptions wrapper and I will be testing it over the next couple of days. It has support for all essential...
Thanks for the info. I will test thoroughly the new functions with test/avoptions.jl and get back to you as soon as I see the tests pass. . .
@kmsquire. I am sorry for the delay - I wished to have this done by today, but I also had to spend time on a C++/OpenCV project. I will try...
It seems it should be possible to rapidly test changes by adding files/modifying my ~/.julia/VideoIO folder and then: reload("VideoIO") Followed by require("../src/VideoIO.jl") include("../test/avoptions.jl") Or do you have an alternative suggestion...
I have two questions now: 1) I may have read about this issue already somewhere before, but Pkg.test("VideoIO") gives errors even before I load my modified VideoIO package, e.g., julia>...
I think lazy loading of slides would be a great addition to this useful library. I would be happy to contribute to adding this feature. Any thoughts or already plans...
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@speige Thank you for the explanation. Indeed I read the doc comment above the _refresh_internal_ method and that is partly why I decided to try to find a fix for...