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Title parsing broken
Page title parsing sometimes generates garbage or it fails to populate any title. Examples:
- Attempting to bookmark results in the following title in PinDroid:
YPE html> window.NYT_ENVIRONMENT = 'prd'; window.NYT_RELEASE = 'c210a96f06f7549ffa92934d5d2e2f5e5bddea9a'; window.JKIDD_PATH = ''; window.WEDDINGS_PATH = ''; window.SENTRY_SAMPLE_RATE = 10; if ('nytapp=true') > -1) document.documentElement.classList.add('NYTApp'); 100*Math.random()<=window.SENTRY_SAMPLE_RATE?(window.INSTALL_RAVEN=!0,window.nyt_errors={ravenInstalled:!1,list:[],tags:[]},window.onerror=function(r,n,o,w,t){var t=new Error(r,n,o,w,t);if(!window.nyt_errors.ravenInstalled){const d={err:t,data:{}};window.nyt_errors.list.push(d)}}):window.INSTALL_RAVEN=!1; California Lawmakers Kill Housing Bill After Fierce Debate - The New York Times
- Bookmarking results in an empty title because parsing fails.
Empty titles [2] are a lot more widespread than garbled titles [1].