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IMproving suggested tags
I see from (closed) issue #75 that the suggested tags come from a pinboard api call. It does work horrendously badly. I have never once had a remotely helpful result from this feature.
Would it be possibly to replace or supplement that with a feature like that in the particular-pinboard.js chrome extension, where there is essentially a list of keywords from the selected text which, if present, will automatically populate the tag field with user-chosen keywords. This allows for really useful customising on an individual basis -- eg, I might want all references to YouTube automatically tagged "adtech" but another user might want them tagged "video" instead.
I know I should offer to have a go myself, but I have really minimal programming skills and no idea where to start here.
The main difference I can see is that pinboard makes suggestions based on URLs, rather than on content. This is going to return completely useless results when the URL in question is from a newspaper or magazine -- in fact from anything much except a blog post or possibly a tweet. On the other hand, I have no idea how much work it would take for pindroid to take any account of the body of the page it's bookmarking, or even of any text that may be selected there.