Maximilian Linhoff

Results 121 issues of Maximilian Linhoff

It would be nice for several usecases to support parameter and space vectors. This would e.g. enable binned likelihood fits as e.g. used in unfolding or forward folding. These are...


siunitx does not align the uncertainties in tables. Consider the following minimal example: ```latex \documentclass[margin=1pt]{standalone} \usepackage[ separate-uncertainty=true, table-align-uncertainty=true, ]{siunitx} \usepackage{booktabs} \begin{document} \begin{tabular}{S[table-format=3.1(3)]} \toprule {$x \mathbin{/} \si{\ohm}$} \\ \midrule 663.0 +-...


An often requested feature without a clear solution available in the docs / on tex.stackexchange is to be able to copy paste the code from minted code blocks in PDFs....


E.g. binsz for the pixel size. When I read it, I assumed this would be the z-values for the bins, e.g. the data. I think gammapy should have a clear...


**Gammapy version** Current master **Bug description** Most important for longer observations and `FOVALIGN=ALTAZ`.


It would be great and ease deployment a lot, if you could release docker images to dockerhub for release version.

Trying to install additional packages, running `apt update --yes` fails with an error (presumably something to do with the new debian release?) Config: ``` with: docs-folder: docs/ pre-build-command: apt update...

To avoid manual editing of recipes to update dependencies and entry points for recipes solely relying on building a setuptools project, being able to use `{% set data = load_setup_py_data()...

### Description The closest float32 value to pi/2 is by accident slightly larger than pi/2: ``` In [5]: np.pi/2 Out[5]: 1.5707963267948966 In [6]: np.float32(np.pi/2) Out[6]: 1.5707964 ``` Astropy checks using...


### Description This adds test cases and for now the easy part (everything float32) for the `Latitude._validate_angle` method as discussed here: (Hopefully soon) Fixes #13708 ### Checklist for package maintainer(s)...
