geoipupdate-legacy copied to clipboard fails to work with freebie accounts.
$ cat geoip.conf
# The following AccountID and LicenseKey are required placeholders.
# For geoipupdate versions earlier than 2.5.0, use UserId here instead of AccountID.
AccountID 0
LicenseKey 000000000000
# Include one or more of the following edition IDs:
# * GeoLite2-City - GeoLite 2 City
# * GeoLite2-Country - GeoLite2 Country
# For geoipupdate versions earlier than 2.5.0, use ProductIds here instead of EditionIDs.
EditionIDs GeoLite2-City
Error output:
$ ./ -v -f geoip.conf -d .
Opened License file geoip.conf
Read in license key 000000000000
Edition IDs GeoLite2-City
MD5 sum of database ./GeoIP.dat is 00000000000000000000000000000000
Send request
401 Unauthorized at ./ line 229, <$fh> line 11.
Pretty certain its due to line 123:
if ($account_id) {
Unsurprisingly $account_id is zero with a freebie account, so GeoIP_update_database_general never gets called. GeoIP_update_database, is called instead, and I suspect that routine may also be old & broken. If I dummy up the test on line 123 eg ($account_id == 0), I'll at least get to the point where I'm missing the PerlIO::Gzip library. (Which is an entirely separate issue on my end.)
$ ./ -v -f geoip.conf -d .
Opened License file geoip.conf
Read in license key 000000000000
Edition IDs GeoLite2-City
Send request
MD5 sum of database ./GeoLite2-City.mmdb is 00000000000000000000000000000000
Send request
client ip address: X.Y.Z.16
md5sum of ip address and license key is XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Send request
Downloading gzipped GeoIP Database...
Unknown PerlIO layer "gzip" at ./ line 260, <$fh> line 11.