Max Kuhlmay
Max Kuhlmay
I hope I helped you. You can close this issue :)
Hey, just ignore this warning. This should only be fixed, when the App is going to be released to the AppStore.
Its not possible to use the iPad instead of the computer. If, one time, the iPad Pro is able to run a dedicated Xcode App, it might be possible, but...
Hey ive already seen this error in the beta of Mojave. It happens when you turn on „auto update“ as you have already mentioned. Since it happens when you turn...
Looks good. Thank you!
Go to your Settings App -> and find the Profiles Tab. There you should see your AppleID from Xcode. Click on it and trust the certificate and run it again
This is just a Xcode warning, that you have missing assets. This is only relevant if you want to publish the app to the App Store.