Max Kuhlmay
Max Kuhlmay
Can you provide some more information about the issue? please add at least a description about the issue and how to replicate it :)
You create a new project and add the GPX route to Xcode and launch Xcode. Then simulate the location from this GPX file. You can do this without using this...
Hey, welchen Mac hast du? Das Repository wurde vor langer Zeit das letzte mal aktualisiert. Ich befürchte, dass es hier keine Updates mehr geben wird. Hey, which Mac do you...
Hey, can you provide a screenshot? Are you using the default API key? What locations did you search and where were you at that moment? I’ve had problems being in...
This is not quite related to this app, right? This app just fakes the gps location of your iPhone, so you can move in Pokemon Go. Im not quite sure...
Hey. This issue comes from google maps. Iam4x is providing a development api key for the google maps requests and there is a limit of requests. Google maps now stops...
Hey Drew, we have different color modes (e.g. light and dark). Both modes have their tokens within a media query inside one css file. It would be really nice, if...
This tool is still save. If you fake the GPS via xCode, Pokemon Go can't figure this out. It "thinks" the GPS is valid. The biggest problem here is :...
It looks like, the bans don’t have something to do with the tool. Maybe the tool is still save to use, when used correctly.
Can you type in a city and teleport to it? The development mode is still functional. You can drag the map and choose a location. Make sure the „map draggable“...