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Debit/Credit card validation port of the Luhn Algorithm in Swift
Warning! This repository is no longer maintained.
This is a port of the Luhn Algorithm, generally used for validating debit/credit card details, written in Swift.
SwiftLuhn's HEAD is written in Swift 4. If your project doesn't support Swift 4 yet, please use the 0.2.1 tag.
Objective-C port can be found at https://github.com/MaxKramer/ObjectiveLuhn.
To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install
from the Example directory first.
SwiftLuhn is available through CocoaPods or Carthage (with or without using our pre-built binary).
To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "SwiftLuhn" # use '0.2.1' for Swift 3.X
Or alternatively the following line to your Cartfile:
github "MaxKramer/SwiftLuhn"
Call the class method which will throws an exception SwiftLuhn.CardError
if the card is invalid.
let cardNumber = "378282246310005"
do {
try SwiftLuhn.performLuhnAlgorithm(with: cardNumber)
// process payment
catch {
// invalid, alert user
Alternatively, you can use the String
let isValid = cardNumber.isValidCardNumber()
Card Types
You can also get the type of the card being used which will be one of:
Card Type |
American Express |
Visa |
Mastercard |
Discover |
Diner's Club |
do {
let cardType = try SwiftLuhn.cardType(of: cardNumber)
catch {
// card is invalid
Unit Tests
To run the unit test suite, please open the example project and hit CMD + U.
Name | Website | Reason |
Paypal | http://www.paypalobjects.com/en_US/vhelp/paypalmanager_help/credit_card_numbers.htm | List of valid credit card numbers for the unit tests |
Max Kramer, [email protected], @maxkramer
SwiftLuhn is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.