MKDropdownMenu copied to clipboard
Layout Error in iOS 11
set a MKDropdownMenu in VC1 NavigationBar TitileView, than nav push to VC2, than back to VC1. you can see that MKDropdownMenu layout error.
in your Demo project, MKDropdownMenu is lose, can't find it
Same issue
Now, I try to renew MKDropdownMenu to fix this error.
@vvard3n @EvsenevDev hi guys, sorry for the delay, looks like this issue has been fixed by #38 but not yet pushed to cocoapods. Please let me know if the latest master
branch works for you.
nope. imperfect now, it can show when vc pop back. but dropdown view width is changed. I dont want to change it
MKDropdownMenu *dropdownMenu = [[MKDropdownMenu alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, 0, 150, 44)];
self.dropdownMenu = dropdownMenu;
dropdownMenu.dataSource = self;
dropdownMenu.delegate = self;
dropdownMenu.backgroundDimmingOpacity = 0;
UIImage *indicator = [UIImage imageNamed:@"triangle_14x14"];
dropdownMenu.disclosureIndicatorImage = indicator;
UIImageView *spacer = [[UIImageView alloc] initWithImage:[UIImage imageNamed:@"triangle"]];
spacer.contentMode = UIViewContentModeCenter;
dropdownMenu.spacerView = spacer;
dropdownMenu.rowTextAlignment = NSTextAlignmentCenter;
dropdownMenu.dropdownShowsTopRowSeparator = NO;
dropdownMenu.dropdownBouncesScroll = NO;
dropdownMenu.dropdownRoundedCorners = UIRectCornerAllCorners;
dropdownMenu.useFullScreenWidth = YES;
dropdownMenu.fullScreenInsetLeft = 100;
dropdownMenu.fullScreenInsetRight = 100;
self.navigationItem.titleView = dropdownMenu;
my pull request can fix this question. bug it can't change size when inited.