Maxim Kulkin

Results 84 comments of Maxim Kulkin

A side note: I would strongly advise moving to GHC 7.10. GHC before 7.10 had a dependency on particular Cabal version which made using hdevtools with support for newer Cabal...

Mike, Assuming DocumentFragment has #parse() method and the name points that it can represent a part of document (thus not restricted by normal HTML/XML rules), I understand DocumentFragment as an...

The Method and Function fields are actually non-beloved offsprings here as they do not stand for a particular type but change the way you access data. Other field types actually...

@kevgliss I agree with @deckar01 that you can access context via `self` if you make validation a schema's member function. Although IMO this kind of validations should not be done...

@kevgliss Yes, this kind of checks is easier to implement outside of deserialization logic.

I will look into this. Meantime, you can implement everything you need in your subschemas (like FooSchema and BarSchema)

I rechecked source code and I really do not want to dive into all crazy logic that original Schema class has related to pre/post processing, validation and collecting errors. I...

Guys, I have updated [Homepage]( with instructions on how to create chains manually.

I've seen this error too and it was related to trying to use some cabal operation on a sources of some cabal package after installing a new version of cabal...

@aajain-com Is it something this repository would benefit from? I can work on implementation, just need a heads up.