romfetcher copied to clipboard
A very easy rom downloader implemented for RetroPie, RetrOrangePi
ROM Fetcher
ROM Fetcher is a small utility which helps you to fetch ROMs from existing websites directly on your Retropie, Retrostone
or whatever is based on Retropie/RetrOrangePie. The UI is built for Emulationstation and is easy to navigate
with a gamepad.
ROM Fetcher is implemented in proper C using SDL2, it may run also on other platforms.
Following ROM databases are supported:
Please note: This software is using the mentioned sites to download ROMs. You are responsible to have valid licenses to use the software. Rom Fetcher does not hold, provide, sell or distribute licenses.
After installation you will find a menu entry in Retropie > Rom Fetcher.
: Select
: Back
: Enter for the keyboard
: Backspace for the keyboard
+ Select
: Quit Rom Fetcher from any position
Installing the latest version on Retrostone 2
Download the latest version: from
Copy it onto your Retrostone 2 and run following command:
dpkg -i romfetcher-*-armhf.deb
Installing the latest version from source
Fetching Dependencies
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get -y install libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libsqlite3-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev
Compiling the latest code
git clone
cd romfetcher
cmake -G "Unix Makefiles"
sudo make install
Post Processing of downloads
It seems some of the pages offer the downloads as 7z or RAR files. To automatically extract them, please install the fitting toolset:
sudo apt-get -y install p7zip unrar-free
Decompression of ZIP files is disabled by default as Emulationstation is capable of handling them.
If you prefer to enable ZIP decompression please do following:
sqlite3 ~/.romfetcher/romfetcher.db
Execute following SQL command in sqlite3:
UPDATE postprocessors SET active=1 WHERE filesuffix=".zip";
REMARK: The downloaded original files won't be deleted after decompression.
Missing dependencies: mesa-common-dev & libegl1-mesa-dev
I experienced on the latest RetrOrangePie 4.3 that these dependencies can't be installed due to a clash in versions. The easiest workaround is to force the packages to be installed regardless of version.
sudo apt-get update
apt-get download mesa-common-dev
sudo dpkg --force-all -i mesa-common-dev_*_armhf.deb
apt-get download libegl1-mesa-dev
sudo dpkg --force-all -i libegl1-mesa-dev_*_armhf.deb
rm libegl1-mesa-dev_*_armhf.deb
rm mesa-common-dev_*_armhf.deb