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.tsv output parameters
Hello :)
The code ran successfully (thank you for that), and now I'm trying to understand each column in the output table. The ones that are mentioned in the paper are clear (such as off-target scores and the efficiencies scores), but there are several columns that I want to ask about (and I struggled to find the answers in the code itself (I'm kind of new in this :)) -
offtargetCount - how do you calculate that? what is the reference of the off targets? how many mismatches you allowed in the command line?
GrafEtAlStatus - what is the meaning of this column, and what are the abbreviations that is used in it?
Does the order of the rows in the output table has a meaning, such as rating the gRNAs?
Thanks in advance, and thank you again for the previous helpful replies, Nofar :-]